Waspinator (BW) Waspinator: Kauen-Spielzeug des Schicksals. Waspinator ist der Universum peitschende Junge. Wenn etwas schief geht, passiert es ihm. Wenn etwas bläst, hes normalerweise am Epizentrum der Explosion. Er wurde gesprengt, verbrannt, abgeschossen, zerrissen, zerkleinert, zerschlagen, zerschlagen, gequetscht und sonst auf Teile verzichtet, die über das Zählen hinausgehen. Beunruhigend hat Rattrap das Sammeln seiner abgetrennten Komponenten übernommen. Waspinatoren nicht der hellste Bot in der Beast Wars. Megatron klassifiziert die harebrained Predacon als verbrauchbar, viel zu Waspinators Bestürzung er nicht viel mehr Respekt von jedem anderen erhalten, entweder. Seine Rede quirks nicht helfen: er neigt dazu, sich in der dritten Person und den meisten anderen Menschen durch Spitznamen wie Katze-Bot und zwei-Kopf beziehen. Hes auch ein bisschen zu gern des Buchstabens Z. (Die anfällig für witticisms könnte sagen, er hat ein liszzzzp.) Waspinator kann dumm sein, aber hes nicht dumm. Er hat zu seinem Leben im Leben gefangen und versucht, sein Schicksal so oft wie möglich zu vermeiden. Aber das Schicksal findet ihn immer. Zum Glück ist er fast übernatürlich haltbar und hat die verheerendsten und demütigendsten Niederlagen überlebt. Manchmal ist er früher als Wasp bekannt. Und anderen Zeiten wird er als Thrustinator oder Waspscream bekannt. Inferno sprengt, Waszzpinator muss retten. Deep Metal Diese neue Aerobic Regime ist groß Arbeit, Sie abs Der Waspinator war ein furchterregender Krieger von monströsen Aussehen, auffällige Angst mit dem unheimlichen Klang seiner ominösen Summen. Er schlägt hilflose Opfer mit seinen geheimen Flügelraketen, vergiftet sie mit seinem Cyber-Stachel. Waspinator bio Er liebte es auch, seine Opfer mit seinem Partner Buzz Saw aufzuhängen. Buzz Saw bio Wenn die Maximals die Predacons Genetik Labor, Waspinator war zusammen mit Megatron und Tarantulas, um sie abzuwehren. Waspinator tauschte Explosionen mit Cheetor aus, bevor Megatron den Labs-Selbstzerstörungsmechanismus initiierte, an dem die Predacons sich zurückzogen. Optimus Primal vs Megatron Wenn der Quantensprung physisch verbesserte Waspinator in ein Transmetal. Seine Persönlichkeit blieb die gleiche. Er fand jedoch einen erneuten Antrieb zur Beseitigung der Maximals, begleitet von erhöhter Geschwindigkeit. Transmetal Waspinator Bio Das Metals Upgrade tat wenig, um Waspinatoren ärgerliches Summen zu stammen, und er erlitt noch viele Gewaltkämpfe. Metals Waspeeter bio Karikatur Kontinuität Beast Wars Cartoon Schauspieler: Scott McNeil (Englisch), Kens Kat (Japanisch), Michail Tihonov (Russisch, 2nd dub), Ivo Roberto (Portugiesisch), Fbio Vilalonga. (Portugiesisch in einigen Episoden), Diego Saber (Italienisch), Pierre Laurent (Französisch), Roberto Molina (lateinamerikanisches Spanisch, Jahreszeit 1), Carlos igo (lateinamerikanisches Spanisch, letzte Episoden der Jahreszeit 1, Jahreszeit 2 und Jahreszeit 3) , Gabriel Gama (lateinamerikanisches Spanisch, letzte 2 Episoden der Jahreszeit 3), Jos Padilla (kastilisches Spanisch), Holger Potzern (Deutsch) Denken Sie daran, wenn Waspinator verwendet, um eine Drohung zu sein Weil er nicht, der arme Kerl. Waspinator, ein Teil von Megatrons Schurkenband von Predacons, landete auf einem unbekannten Planeten mit gefährlichen Niveaus von instabilem Energon. Um sich vor dem Energon zu schützen, nahmen die Predacons organische Tiermodi ein. Im Waspinator-Fall verwandelte er sich nun in eine große, grüne Wespe. Der erste Konflikt zwischen den gestrandeten Predacons und ihren maximalen Verfolgern kam, als der Maximal Cheetor über Waspinator stolperte. In einem krassen Gegensatz zu seiner späteren Karriere erwies er sich tatsächlich als eine ernsthafte Bedrohung und hatte gegenüber dem unerfahrenen Cheetor den Vorteil, dass er den jungen Maximal in einen Canyon steckte. Beast Wars (Teil 1) Die Predacons verfolgten die Maximals und unterbrachen einen Kampf zwischen Optimus Primal und Dinobot. Als ein streunender Schuß einen Cache von energon auf einem nahe gelegenen Berg aussetzte, gingen die Predacons dorthin. Waspinator wurde zum ersten Mal mit Terrorsaur zusammengearbeitet, um die Maximals zu verlangsamen. Sie wurden von einer Rakete von Primal weg gejagt und die anderen für eine Bergspitze verbündet, in der Cheetor versuchte, einen Rückkampf mit Waspinator zu haben. Beast Wars (Teil 2) Waspinator half Scorponok und Terrorsaur installieren einige Perimeter Verteidigungen um die Predacon Basis. Das Netz Als Cheetor in der Predacon Basis durch irgendeine Art freak Teleportation System landete, versuchten Waspinator und Scorponok, ihn zu töten, aber nur gelang es, sich mit ihren eigenen Raketen zu wehen. Wenig wusste Waspinator, dass er mehrmals in den kommenden Abenteuern geblasen werden würde. Gleiche Maßnahmen. Und hier sehen wir einen wilden Waspinator in seinem natürlichen Zustand. Waspinator war Teil eines Angriffs auf die Maximals an den Stehenden Steinen. Er überlebte diese Schlacht, aber als eine fremde Sonde auf dem Kreis erschien, versuchten er und Megatron, es in Besitz zu nehmen, und ein Puls von Energie zappte sie. Sie tauchten auf, schwer beschädigt, zurück zur Predacon-Basis. Nach Reparaturen, schickte Megatron Wespinator und Scorponok, um den Kreis zu bewachen. Die Maximals tauchten bald auf, um zu versuchen, Primal von der Sonde zu extrahieren. Waspinator versuchte, sich auf Rhinox zu schleichen. Nur für den Maximal, seine Reflexion an der Sonde zu sehen und ihn mit einem Chaingun zu belüften. Waspinator fiel rückwärts gegen einen stehenden Stein, der eine Sequenz aktiviert, die das Primal von der Sonde befreite. Kette des Befehls Nachdem Terrorsaur gelang, Megatron zu schlacken und Führung der Predacons zu nehmen, machten Waspinator und Scorponok sofort Megatron fest. Power Surge Als ein Stasis-Pod abgestürzt war, gingen Waspinator und Terrorsaurus direkt zum Axalon und überfluteten Optimus Primal, als er auftauchte, um nach dem Pod zu suchen. Obwohl sie erfolgreich waren, ließ Dinobot einen riesigen Felsen auf Waspinator fallen, und Terrorsaur musste seinem Mitmenschen helfen. Waspinator war noch gesund genug, um zu melden, Megatron, der das Paar, um die Hülse zu erfassen. Auf dem Weg dorthin gelang es, die Maximals zu bremsen, indem sie eine Eisbrücke zerstörten, aber als Tigatron bereits an der Hülse war, war er bereits aktiviert. Der neue Maximal bekämpfte sie. Gefallene Kameraden Wazzzzpinator nicht wissen wollen, whozzzz there In einem der Waspinatoren einige Siege, gelang es ihm, die Stasis-Pod, die Geburt Blackarachnia geboren abzurufen. Als Terrorsaur wieder von Megatron abgesetzt wurde, schien Waspinator glücklich, seinem Gefährten Predacon zu folgen. Double Jeopardy Vielleicht war das der Grund, warum er später mit Blackarachnia und Terrorsaur zu einem Sonic Emitter an einen Ort unter dem Axalon zugewiesen wurde. Unzufrieden mit der Aufgabe, ging er zu fliegen um für ein bisschen und murmeln vor sich hin, nur um verschenken ihre Position versehentlich. Obwohl er zu den beiden anderen Predacons zurückkehrte, wurden sie von Tigatron entdeckt, der den Schallstrahler zerstörte. Eine bessere Mausefalle Nachdem Primal unbeabsichtigt in einen Berserker von Scorponoks Cyberbee verwandelt wurde. Waspinator versuchte, Optimus in der Predacon-Basis aufzuspüren, fand sich aber durch eine Mauer gezogen und gestrahlt. Gorilla Warfare Waspinator fungierte als Köder für den ersten Test von Tarantulas s Transformationssperrlinse. Der Test war ein Erfolg, aber Waspinator wurde von Tigatron verschmiert. Die Sonde Er war später einer der Trio, der eine Scheinrevolte gegen Megatron montiert, um die Maximals zu täuschen. Die Predacons versteckten sich in einer Gletscherspalte (wo Waspinator anscheinend seine Nächte verbrachte und Tarantulas wie ein weiches Spielzeug kuschelte), während die Maximals das Axalon reparierten. Sie wurden von Dinobot entdeckt, der einen großen Stein auf Waspinator und Terrorsaur sank. Obwohl die letzteren überlebt zu kämpfen, war Waspinator anscheinend nicht. Sieg-Tanzen-Königin-Biene Als Rhinox sein Persönlichkeitsprogramm zu dem eines Predacon umwandelte, begann er heimlich, die verschiedenen Predacons herauszunehmen. Er schwang eine Frachtkiste in Waspinator und gab ihm eine Gehirnerschütterung. Infolgedessen flog Waspy in einer Betäubung herum und behauptete, das Insecticon Shrapnel sowie der große Wonko der Sane zu sein. Diese Demenz war anscheinend umgekehrt, als Cheetor später ärgerte sich an seinem Jammern und schoss ihn nieder. Eines der Waspinatoren streunende Schüsse folgten dem Transmuter. Wodurch es explodiert. Dark Designs Terrorsaur und Waspinator hingen außerhalb der Predacon Basis während Megatrons Experiment, um einen Klon von Dinobot zu schaffen. Double Dinobot Das Paar attackierte Cheetor, als der junge Maximal einen Stasis-Pod schützte. Cheetor gelang es, Waspinator zu fliegen über einen Energon Geysir zu locken, braten seine Schaltungen. Der Spark Vielleicht ein Zeichen, dass sie nicht gelernt, ihre Lektion, Waspinator und Terrorsaurus angegriffen Tigatron, nur durch das Abwehrsystem einer seltsamen fliegenden Insel gestrahlt werden. Obwohl verletzt, konnten sie zur Basis zurückkehren, um den Fund zu melden, gerade noch rechtzeitig bevor Terrorsaur auf Oberseite von Waspinator ohnmächtig wurde. Der Trigger, Teil 1 Nach einem weiteren Anfall von Reparaturen, ging das Duo zurück für die Insel, nur um in Primal und Rattrap laufen. Die in die gleiche Richtung geleitet wurden. Schließlich taten sie jede Insel. Nur für Blackarachnia zu Trick sie in die Auslösung der Inseln Verteidigungen wieder, was in ihnen beide gestrahlt. Waspinator beschuldigte die pterodactyl Idiot dafür. Der Auslöser, Teil 2 Tigatron wurde auf seinem Weg zu einem anderen Stasis-Pod von Waspinator, der es geschafft, einen Tropfen auf den Tiger zu bekommen. Waspinators Sieg war kurzlebig, als Airazor sofort seine Flügel abschoss, und er stürzte zu Boden. Spinnen Spiel Waspinator und Terrorsaur stahl die Axalon Gleichrichter-Spule. Zwingen die Maximals bleiben in ihren Bestien Modi. Sobald die Maximals wütend geworden waren und in den Dschungel wanderten, montierten die Predacons eine Jagdausfahrt. Die Maximals waren in der Lage, ihre Programmier-Block zu überwinden, und während des anschließenden Kampfes, schlug Rhinox Waspinator aus der Luft mit einem Baum, als wäre es ein Baseballschläger Call of the Wild Geben Sie ihm einen orangefarbenen Parka und nennen ihn Kenny. Nach einer scheinbar siegreichen Schlacht kehrten Waspinator und Scorponok zur Basis zurück. Jedoch waren die Maximals, die sie angegriffen hatten, nicht tot, bloß geblendet, und Wespinator wurde bald wieder gesandt, zusammen mit Terrorsaur, um sie zu beseitigen. Leider waren sogar vier blinde Maximals mehr als genug für sie, und beide Predacons wurden verpackt. Dark Voyage Es ging weiter schlecht für Waspinator, wie bei einem heftigen Sturm, war er von der unsterblichen Funke der Starscream besessen. Es dauerte eine große Energie-Explosion, um Starscreams unsterblichen Funken von Waspinators Körper zu entfernen. Es hatte auch die Nachwirkung von Waspinator Kopfschmerzen in seinem ganzen Körper. Besitz Waspinator war Teil eines Ablenkungsangriffs, während Tarantulas seine neue Waffe ausprobierte, ein Energonenentladungsvirus. Später, versuchten die Predacons, die Maximals zu stoppen, die das Gegenmittel erhielten und wurden durch Rhinoxs enorme fart gesprengt. The Low Road Waspinator zusammen mit Inferno und Terrorsaur für einen Kampf, nur um von Tigatron rund getroffen werden. Das Trio wurde später in der Lage, Dinobot zu besiegen, mit Waspinator den letzten Schlag, aber Optimus Primal erschien und blies ihn und Terrorsaur weg mit einem Schuss. Law of the Jungle Wazzzzpinator mit Flashbacks zur Grammatik zzzzzchool Waspinator gefangen Tarantulas stehlen eine transwarp Zelle aus der Darksyde. Aber er war nicht im Stande, die Spinne vom Verlassen zu stoppen, als Tarantulas ihm eine Bombe warf und die Tür hinter ihm verriegelte. Gefangen im Inneren war Waspinator bald in einer Vielzahl von einzelnen Stücken. Vor der Wiederherstellung des Sturms und bereit, auf Tarantulas Rache zu nehmen, wurde er stattdessen von Megatron gesandt, um einen neuen fremden Ort zu sichern. Leider, sobald er dort ankam, traf er Rattrap, der ihn mit einer Robonoogie und einem Kick zu den unmentionables sah. Andere Stimmen, Teil 1 Er zog sich zur Darksyde zurück. Wo die Predacons die Situation mit der Planet Buster-Waffe überwachten, die von den Planeten zweiten Mond enthüllt worden war. Andere Stimmen, Teil 2 Nachdem der Planet Buster zerstört wurde, sättigten die seltsamen Energien eines Quantensprunges beide Schiffe. Waspinator verlor die Kontrolle über seinen Hovers und wurde in einen der Restaurationspools gekippt. Gebadet in den regenerativen Flüssigkeiten, wurde er daran gehindert, ein Transmetal zu werden. Er und sein neu aufgerüsteter Führer bestiegen einen Angriff auf den Axalon. Aber sobald Wespinator einem ähnlich aufgerüsteten Cheetor gegenüberstand, zog er sich bald zurück. Nachwirkungen Waspinator war der erste, der erkannte, dass der scheinbar unbekannte Planet, auf dem sie landeten, tatsächlich Erde war. Dinobot hatte die gleiche Verwirklichung gemacht und in die Darksyde gestohlen, um beide Megatronsscheiben abzurufen. Waspinator schlug die beiden zusammen, um die Scheiben zu stehlen, und viel zu seiner Überraschung, stimmte Dinobot zu. Und warf ihn in den Schutzschild. Waspinator wurde in einen Würfel durch die Scheiben Sicherheit contraption, verlassen Dinobot frei, um die Platten unbeschädigt zu stehlen, während Waspinator kroch weg in die CR-Kammer mit zwei Fingern. Er hat sich rechtzeitig repariert, um Megatrons Kräfte auf dem Schlachtfeld zu verbinden, wo sie Dinobot, Cheetor und Rattrap überlegen waren. Kommen der Fuzors (Teil 1) Er wurde mit neuen Rekruten Silverbolt zusammengelegt, um das Axalon auf dem Luftweg anzugreifen. Nachdem er seine Autorität über den Fuzor behauptet hatte. Er wurde sofort von Cheetor aus der Luft geschlagen. Nachdem er Sentinels Verteidigung durchbohrt hatte (und Dinobot im Schritt schoss), schloss er sich den anderen Predacons an, als sie bereit waren, die Maximals endgültig zu beenden. Sondern war das erste Opfer eines wiedergeborenen Transmetal Optimus Primal. Kommen der Fuzors (Teil 1) Kommen der Fuzors (Teil 2) Waspinator und Inferno wurden mit dem Bau eines neuen Jammerturms beauftragt. Sie bauten es erfolgreich, aber während Waspinator stolz ihren Erfolg zu Megatron berichtete, klopfte Inferno spielerisch den Turm auf ihn. Tangled Web Ein weiterer von Waspinatoren seltene Siege kam, als er Silverbolt von hinten erschossen, wodurch die Maximal in Dinobot abstürzen, effektiv nehmen beide aus. Während Inferno mit Dinobots anfällig formte, weigerte sich Quickstrike, Waspy Silverbolt zu tragen. Eine kurze Zeit später nachgeahmt Rattrap Quickstrikes Stimme, Tricking Waspinator in Abholung einer Gasmine, und Waspinatoren Sieg war nicht mehr. Maximal, No More Waspinator und der Rest der Predacons installierten Schildgeneratoren um einen anderen fremden Ort, aber das Alienkonstrukt, das erschien, zappte jeden und schickte ihn in Stasisschloss. Andere Besuche (Teil 1) Megatron übernahm das Konstrukt und restaurierte alle Predacons in Ordnung. Waspinator und Inferno gewannen transwarp Zellen, um das Schiff transwarp Fähigkeit zu geben. Sie wurden später ausgesandt, um das Konstrukt gegen die Maximals zu verteidigen. Andere Besuche (Teil 2) Nicht ganz, was die Landung bedeutet. Gesendet mit Blackarachnia, um eine andere Hülse zu beanspruchen, dauerte Wespinator nicht lange, bevor er von Cheetor niedergeschossen wurde und landete zuerst Kopf. Schlechter Spark Er nahm auch am Angriff auf dem Tal teil, wo die Protohumans lebten, aber sein Beitrag beendete, als Dinobot ihn Kopf-zuerst in Rampage s Hauptkanone und Rampage explodierte. Code of Hero Wie von Megatrons Berechnungen, würde die transwarp Wellenfront von der Planet Buster Explosion bald Cybertron erreichen. Die Predacons einen Angriff auf den Axalon. Die Maximals erhielten Verstärkungen in Form von Predacon Covert Agent Ravage. Dessen Transwarp-Kreuzer die Predacons ausschaltete. Wespinator wurde anschließend eine neue Solo-Mission von Megatron, und er ging, als die Maximals nächsten angegriffen. Die Agenda (Teil 1) Gerade als er an seinem Ziel ankam. Blackarachnia versehentlich traf ihn mit ihrem schwebend, klopfte ihn auseinander. Waspinator begann wieder zusammen zu sammeln. Die Agenda (Teil 2) Waspinator zog sich zusammen in der Zeit, um Megatrons Flucht zu helfen, nach dem Predacon Führer stark beschädigt Optimus Prime. Er, Megatron und Inferno fuhren zum Axalon. Aber Cheetor und Primal holten sie ein, und Waspinator wurde von einem Schuss von Cheetor niedergeschlagen. Optimale Situation Nachdem Inferno an Bits geblasen wurde, während er die Maximalbasis angreift, schickt Megatron den Wespinator, um ihn zu retten. Waspinator war weniger als glücklich, beschwerte sich, dass niemand ihn jemals gerettet. Deep Metal Er konnte den Drop auf Silverbolt bekommen, als die Maximals versuchen, Sentinel zu retten. Und er flog glücklich mit dem Modul. Er war so aufgeregt, er dachte, Megatron würde ihm einen Urlaub dafür geben. Waspinator, der guten Tag hat, wird nicht geschossen, sobald Igor seine Nägel archivieren muss. Traurig kam er nicht sehr weit, bevor Silverbolt und Rattrap einholten und ihn aus der Luft sprengten, damit sie Sentinel zurückfordern konnten. Wächterwechsel Nachdem Megatron Cyber-Raptoren entwickelt hat. Waspinator und Tarantulas wurden mit einer Gruppe von ihnen ausgesandt, um Cheetor und Blackarachnia anzugreifen. Die Maximals entdeckten bald, dass die Zerstörung der Raubvogelkontrolle Komponenten schickte sie wild, und Waspinator wurde in den Boden durch einen Out-of-Control Dinosaurier stampfte. Cutting Edge Ein weiterer von Waspinatoren immer weniger Siege kam, als er es geschafft, eine Stasis-Pod aus unter den Maximals Nasen schnappen. Er arbeitete als Laborassistent wie Megatron das leere Protoform in der Hülse, plus einen Transmetaltreiber. Um einen neuen Dinobot zu erstellen. Leider war auch dieser Sieg kurzlebig, kurz danach wurde das Gerät Megatron explodiert, und Waspinator wurde in der Explosion gefangen. Nachdem er repariert wurde, machte er seinen Weg zu dem, wo Megatron Depth Charge verhörte. Nur um von seinem eigenen, triggerfreudigen Führer gesprengt zu werden. Feral Scream Teil 1 Nach Megatron entdeckt, dass Cheetor hatte sich zu einem Transmetal 2 verbessert. Er schickte Waspinator und Dinobot aus, um die Kitty zu finden und zu erfassen. Das Paar fand ihn in einer Höhle, aber als Dinobot begann sich zu bewegen, behauptete Waspinator seine eigene Führung. Und wurde von Dinobot zerrissen. Nach einem weiteren Anfall von Reparaturen, Waspinator wieder die Jagd, und sie schließlich gefunden Cheetor wieder. Waspinator wurde offhandedly durch den Maximal geschlagen, während versucht, oben zu schleichen. Feral Scream Teil 2 Oh, Waspinator wollen Vertrag neu zu verhandeln. Erfordert jemand Bio, um die Disruptorkanone zu vervollständigen. Megatron schickte Waspinator und Inferno, um einen Protohuman abzuholen. Waspinator konnte Una einfangen. Aber sie hat ihm einiges an Schaden zugefügt. Als er das Bergversteck erreichte, berichtete Waspinator über Erfolg und brach sofort in eine Sammlung von Teilen zusammen. Irgendwann wurde er repariert und konnte an der Verfolgung von Rattrap und Una teilnehmen, als sie entkamen. Er wurde von Schmutz in das Gesicht getroffen, schickte ihn außer Kontrolle, stürzte in das erste Inferno, dann Dinobot und ließ die Maximals fliehen. Die drei Predacons wurden zum Berg zurückgerufen, wo Megatron versuchte, die Disruptorkanone zu benutzen, die prompt explodierte. Gehen Sie mit dem Flow Waspinators nächste glorreiche Mission war ein Angriff auf die Maximal-Basis. Leider für ihn, seine erwarteten Backup war nicht da, und er wurde von Optimus Primal vertraut. Es war alles ein Trick, um Primal herauszuziehen, damit Tarantulas ein Gerät liefern konnte, um die Kontrolle über den Maximal-Führer zu übernehmen. Master Blaster Während Quickstrikes Versuch, Megatron zu verraten, war Waspinator sein Verteidiger. Er tat nicht eine sehr ausgezeichnete Arbeit des Verteidigens seines Klienten, da er sehen wollte, dass er bestraft wurde. Doch bevor der Satz von Quickstrikes gegossen wurde, wurde die Darksyde in Tigerhawks Händen zerstört. In der Vergeltung befahl Megatron den Predacons anzugreifen, aber Tigerhawk rief einen Tornado herauf, der auf Waspinator, Inferno und Quickstrike stürzte. Waspinator sah auf die helle Seite, dass er diesmal Gesellschaft hatte. Andere Siege Mit ihrer Basis weg, schickte Megatron Wespinator, Inferno. Und Quickstrike auf einen Botengang, um eine neue Basis zu finden, die wirklich nichts anderes als sinnlose Beschäftigung war, während Megatron ging, um wichtige Dinge zu tun. Als das Trio einen frühen menschlichen Stamm abgestemmt hatte, der eine Residenz in einer Reihe von Höhlen aufgenommen hatte, entschied der Wespinator, endlich genug zu haben und sein Predacon-Symbol abzureißen. Sich aus den Bestienkriegen zu erklären. Wazzzzpinator glücklich endlich. Bis zur nächsten Serie. Ich sagte kein Dragon-Bot-Kommando, Sub-Commander Kiss-Butt. Dragon-Bot nicht Befehl Waspinator Nicht mehr Waspinator krank zu sein böse Sick Predacon und Waspinator besonders krank immer geblasen, um Schrott die ganze Zeit Sooo, Waspinator beenden Ab jetzt, was bedeutet, Ant-Bot und Zwei-Kopf kann nur pucker Ihre Unterkiefer und Pflanze groß, nass, saftig ein hier auf Waspinatoren groß. Fettstreifen. An diesem Punkt wurde Waspinator unterbrochen, indem er von Inferno und Quickstrike zu Schrott geblasen wurde. Auch bemerke ich, dass dies die erste (und einzige) Zeit ist, die er auf sich selbst bezieht. Nemesis Teil 1 Seine Teile, die von dem protohuman Stamm zurückgewonnen wurden, blieb Waspinator auf der Erde, während alle anderen überlebenden Transformatoren für Cybertron aufbrachen Stamm, erklärte, dass er schließlich war. glücklich. Nemesis Teil 2 Für ein bisschen, zumindest. Beast Machines Cartoon Bug zu wiiii-iii-ild Waspinator wuchs gelangweilt, ein Gott zu den Protohumans und begann flicking Felsen an den Köpfen. Die Protohumaner, die er beherrscht hatte, wurden müde von seiner Anwesenheit und vertrieben ihn aus ihrer Ansiedlung, indem er ihn von einem Baum katapultierte. Danach kehrte Waspinator zu Cybertron zurück, der für immer dauerte. Einmal nach Hause, wurde sein Funke entfernt und verwendet, um die Kraftfahrzeuge General Thrust. Er liebte es, ein cooler Biker-Bot zu sein, da er nun Respekt bekam und fand, dass Küken den neuen grübelnden schlechten Boy schmecken. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Waspinator eine geheime Verblendung mit Blackarachnia hatte: Einflüsse aus seinem inneren Funken ließen Thrust mehrmals ihr Leben retten. Sie dachte, das war, weil er Silverbolts Funken trug. Entdeckung Sie versuchte später, seinen ursprünglichen Verstand zurückzubringen und entdeckte zu ihrem Ekel, dass Schuppen alle ihre Bemühung verbrachten, Waspinator zurück zu erhalten. Der arme Waspinator war ziemlich verärgert, um zu finden, dass Blackarachnia nicht mehr länger mit ihm fertig werden wollte und kurz mit einem wiederbelebten Silverbolt über ihre Ehre begann. Der Katalysator Warum Oracle hassen Wazzzzpinator Nach Blackarachnias unzweideutige Ablehnung von ihm (theres Dankbarkeit für Sie), blieb Waspinator im Hintergrund und ließ Thrust die Show laufen, und niemand interessierte sich für die Neuformatierung Thrust, um Waspinator freizugeben. In der letzten Schlacht, Cheetor verwendet einen Extraktor zu entfernen Waspinatoren Funken aus der Karosserie. Wenn Legends fallen nach Cybertrons technologischer Neuformatierung (dank Optimus Primal, durch die Kosten von seinem und Megatronen Leben) Waspinator kehrte in seinem Biest-Modus mit Thrusts Kopf, jetzt die Größe einer Standard-Wespe. Er beschwerte sich Rattrap darüber, wie viel er wollte Ruhm und Macht und nie bekommt, was er will. Worauf Rattrap ihn vertrieb. Samen der Zukunft Japanische Generation 1 Cartoon Kontinuität Auch in dieser Serie, Waspinator wird erschossen. Dieser Charakter Artikel ist ein Stub und fehlt Informationen über ihre fiktiven Auftritte. Sie können Transformers Wiki helfen indem Sie es erweitern. Beast Wars Diorama-Geschichte Bald nach seiner Begegnung mit Starscream war Waspinator Teil eines anfänglich gewöhnlichen Scharmützels zwischen den Maximals und den Predacons. Optimus Primal Chapter Er persönlich griff Cheetor mit seinem Beebee Shot, aber der Gepard konterte mit einem Laser Shot. Cheetor Chapter Waspinator schlug mit einem anderen Beebee Shot. Waspinator Kapitel Die Schlacht wurde später von Transformatoren aus einem anderen Universum verbunden. Die Decepticons verbünden sich mit den Predacons, während die Autobots das gleiche mit den Maximals taten. Tigatron-Kapitel Nachdem das zweite Megatron angekommen war, sahen sich die beiden verbündeten Kräfte in einem letzten Schlag gegeneinander. Motorarm Kapitel 15 Go Go Der Zeitreisende Atari Hitotonari und der Sparkbot Star Dust erlebten eine Schlacht zwischen Waspinator und Optimus Primal. Jedoch konnten die zwei Interlopers nicht von jedem der Krieger gesehen werden. Sparkbots Volume 2 Transformers Legenden komisch Nach der Großen Neuformatierung. Waspinator hörte die Maximals über das Legends Universe. Eine Dimension, wo sie alle fiktiven Charaktere waren. Als er glaubte, dass er ein populärer Charakter war, um ein mächtiger Herrscher in dieser Welt zu werden, beschloss er, dort mit Rattrap zu gehen, der nach Rhinox suchte. Umgewandelt in seine ursprüngliche Erd-Modus von Cheetor, Waspinator durchquert Dimensionen und befindet sich die Legends-Version von sich selbst, beabsichtigt, die Kontrolle über die lokalen Predacons bei Tera-Kura Co .. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Seine Übernahme des Unternehmens war erfolgreich dank dieser Predacons winzig und leicht zu tyrannisieren, aber er hatte nicht genossen seine Position für lange bevor der Geist der Starscream erschien und besaß ihn wieder. Bonus Edition EX Waspinators Körper wurde gemacht, um Metroplex anzugreifen, bis Rhinox erschien und rammte ihn so hart, dass sein Kopf flog weg und Starscreams Geist wurde vertrieben. Dann kam er mit Rattrap und Rhinox nach Hause. Bonus Edition EX Antagony drohte, Waspinator zu sprengen, wenn Megatron nicht zurückging. Waspinators Garantie abgelaufen war, aber es war egal, wie Antagony versehentlich verschwendet ihre letzte Schuss, wenn sie nieste. Müssen wir sogar erraten, was mit Waspinator-Besuchen passiert ist. Später war Waspinator das einzige Predacon, das von Megatron abwesend war, um nicht vor Angst vor dem Anblick eines Unicron-besessenen Windrazors gelähmt zu werden. Natürlich war Waspinator gerade für das zig Millionenfache gesprengt worden. Keiner der Maximals drückte Befriedigung aus. Sie bekamen immer Waspinator. Immer. Paradox Obwohl 3H Productions gefaltet wurden, bevor der Primeval Dawn Comic abgeschlossen werden konnte, zeigte Dan Khanna, dass das nicht produzierte Ende von Primeval Dawn mit Waspinator, der mit einem siegreichen Primal Prime s Team durch das transwarp Portal, das von den untoten Tarantulas bis heute Cybertron gebaut wurde, reist Und erklärte damit, wie Waspinator zu Cybertron zurückkehren konnte, um Schub zu werden. Nach der Neuformierung von Cybertron kam Waspinator unter das Kommando von Galvatron. Seine winzige Größe und große Geschwindigkeit machten ihn zu einem ausgezeichneten Pfadfinder und Boten, und er berichtete Galvatron, dass die eindringenden Quintessons in eine bestimmte Schlucht eingetreten waren, die die Predacons booby-gefangen hatten. Er schien sehr schwindlig, einen Kommandeur zu haben, der ihn tatsächlich einmal für nützlich fand. Wreckers: Finale Teil II Später war Waspinator Teil eines Teams von Primus Kindern, um Opfer von Unicron zu retten, die zu einem isolierten, eisigen Planetoid transportiert worden waren. Er wusste nicht wirklich, was er dort tat und weder Rattrap (wer war nicht sicher, warum sie nicht gerade whacked ihn auf Prinzip). Als Sunstorm angreift, wurden die Biest-Krieger glücklicherweise zum vorübergehenden Autobot-Schiff OTFCC verzogen, bevor sie ausgelöscht wurden. Während der späteren Schlacht wurde Waspinator seine eigene Seite gesprengt, nachdem er glücklicherweise zugab, dass er Buster Witwicky und die Autowäsche des Schicksals mochte. Voice Schauspieler Drama IDW Beast Wars Comics Wespinator serviert unter Megatron am Ende des Großen Krieges. Obwohl der Tripredacus-Rat versucht, die Feindseligkeiten zwischen den Autobots und den Decepticons auszulöschen, nachdem Optimus Prime und Galvatron beide im Kampf gefallen waren, hatte Megatron aggressivere Pläne. Seine Geschwader griffen Tigatron an, als er sich ihnen näherte, um den Frieden zwischen den beiden Parteien zu vermitteln. Der Wespinator wurde abgerissen, als ein feindlicher Soldat einen weiteren Flieger in den Wagen warf, der den Wespinator unter Predakings Fuß taumelte, als die Gestalt niederging. Dawn of the Predacus Als Magmatron das Timestream untersuchte, erlebte er einige wichtige Momente während der Beast Wars. Unter diesen Momenten war Starscreams Besitz von Waspinators Körper. Die Gathering 1 Waspscream Kontinuität Später wurde ein Divergenz Timeline s Waspinator wurde durch den unsterblichen Funken der Starscream von Primax 206.15 Gamma nach der letzten Niederlage an der Hand der Maximals besessen. Als die Quantum Surge die prähistorische Erde traf, konnte Starscream die Transmetalisierung von Waspinatoren beeinflussen, so dass der Predacons dritte Modus Starscreams eigenen originalen Kampfjet-Modus ähneln würde. Beast Wars Sourcebook 4 Dieses Mal übernahm Starscream dauerhaft den Körper der Waspinatoren und tötete die Maximals, bevor er die Führung der Predacons für sich ergriff. Bei der Rückkehr zu Cybertron, Waspscream wurde in einem technologischen Körper von der Oracle, die Starscream verwendet, um gegen Megatron für die Kontrolle der Cybertronen gestohlenen Funken zu korrigieren. Fragen Sie Vector Prime, 20150816 Die zwei von ihnen bickered ständig über Kontrolle des geteilten Körpers, ihre zwei verschiedenen Stimmen hörte zu, wer in der Hörweite war. Beast Wars Sourcebook 4 Mini Mayhem Waspinator und Erector waren zu Fuß, wenn sie über Grimlock, Jazz und Shockwave, diskutiert die bevorstehende Nominierung für die 2011 Hall of Fame. Das Trio verheimlichte Erector für Hummel, und so verschonte er jeden Spott, aber verbal zerrissen in Waspinator, darauf bestand er keine Chance gegen sie. Waspinator entgegnete, dass er einst Herrscher über alle fleshie-Bots war, aber die anderen Bots würde nichts davon hören, und ging in einem Huff. Mini Mayhem Hall of Fame bio Vor der Übernahme einer Wespenform war Waspinator als Wasp bekannt. Er hat zusammen mit den anderen Predacons die Goldene Scheibe aus der Rekordhalle gestohlen. Transformers Hall of Fame Waspy ist mi kopilot, aber hoo auf Sibertron ist mi spelcheker Die beiden hatten einen Wettbewerb um das Schiff zu nennen, aber Waspinator verloren, und damit das gestohlene Schiff wurde die Darksyde genannt. Waspinator glaubte, Buzzerbot wäre ein besserer Name gewesen. Aus Gründen, die nur Primus bekannt sind. Megatron stimmte zu. Nach dem Entkommen Cybertron. Die Darksyde wurde vom Axalon und der Chromia 10 abgefangen. Aber nach einer intensiven Raumschlacht blieben nur die Darksyde und das Axalon übrig. Megatron bestellte Waspinator, um ihren geplanten Transwarpsprung zu überspringen und ein Portal zu öffnen, das beide Schiffe betraten. Dawn of Futures Past Zwei Wochen nachdem Airazor auf der Erde wiedergeboren wurde. Waspinator kämpfte, um eine Orbitalwaffe von den Maximals zu verteidigen. Waspinator wurde von Airazor besiegt. The Razors Edge Als Starscream besaß Waspinator, gewährte er dem Predacon seine Langlebigkeit und die Fähigkeit, durch die Zeit zu reisen. Viel später, nachdem Cybertron zu einer technologischen Welt wurde, gewann die verschmolzene Thrust-Waspinator-Einheit, die jetzt Thrustinator genannt wurde, einen neuen Körper, wurde aber irgendwie von seinem Heimatuniversum getrennt. Er traf sich mit Heinrich. Und Thrustinators Chronalphase von Starscream half Heinrich, seine eigenen Zeitfähigkeiten zu beherrschen. Als Gegenleistung für die Festlegung der Vergangenheit versprach Heinrich dem Thrustinator, dass er in sein Heimatuniversum zurückkehren würde. Timeless Thurstinator wurde als nächstes zu einem prähistorischen Post-Beast Wars Erde, um die beschädigte Timeline zu stabilisieren, indem Sie die Anomalie: Packrat. Überraschender Packrat, indem er nicht auf Sentinel Scans für Predacon Eindringlinge zeigt, bot Thrustinator an, Packrat zu einem Cybertron zu nehmen. Als Packrat zugunsten des Einbruchs in die Arche ablehnte. Thrustinator deaktiviert Packrat mit einem Circuit Stunner und öffnete ein multiversal Portal zu Axiom Nexus. Sammlungen Nach dem Abstieg des Grabtuches. ANN intern Miss-Q suchte Heinrad und Thrustinator nach Einsichten über die gewundene Zeitmechanik von Primax 496.22 Alpha. Aber sie waren nirgends zu finden. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 20160324 Ich möchte Ihnen sagen, über die Transformers Dieser Charakter Artikel ist ein Stub und fehlt Informationen über ihre fiktiven Auftritte. Sie können Transformers Wiki helfen indem Sie es erweitern. Wings Universe When the Star Seekers broke out of prison following their capture by the Cybertronian Knights in 2984, Tornado managed to grab a significant portion of the prison database. Among the files was surveillance footage of Waspinator in his cell, scrawling what appeared to be random patterns on the wall. However, Captain Cannonball recognized that the drawings were star charts to the Star Seekers next goal: the immortal spark of the infamous Decepticon Starscream. Tornado - Decepticon Saboteur Beast Wars Metals manga Waspinator alerted Megatron to the arrival of a new stasis pod. Megatron, in no shape to go after it, angrily swatted him away. Beast Wars Metals 2 Later, after Megatron was dismembered by the lunatic Jaguar. Waspinator recovered his severed (but still functioning) head. Beast Wars Metals 3 Following Megatrons instructions, Waspinator carried his head to the Ark . where Megatron intended to kill the slumbering Optimus Prime. Blackarachnia intervened, kicking Megatrons head out of Waspinators hands and into a lava pool. Beast Wars Metals 5 Transformers Legends anthology The Predacons crashed on Earth in Mexico around 1,000 BC. Acting on Megatrons orders, Tarantulas and Waspinator enslaved the local Natiltec tribe, who saw Waspinator as some sort of wasp-god, and forced them to mine energon. Silverbolt mounted a heroic rescue, struggling with Waspinator as the humans escape. The Natiltec later immortalised the event on a cave wall, which was uncovered some three thousand years later by a team of archaeologists. Fire in the Dark IDW Generation 1 continuity This section covers fiction that is ongoing . It will be added to as the story progresses. If it isnt current, you can help by updating it. This is how you know its the real Waspinator. During the early days of the war, Waspinator served under Bludgeon as part of a team sent to find the lost Titan. Metroplex. On the two-hundred-and-thirty-eighth day of this grueling campaign, Waspinator and his colleagues destroyed a Nibarian outpost because they believed it was between them and their quarry. A hunch from Thundercracker led them further to a planet inhabited by Urtuskians. As Waspinator and the other Decepticons started obliterating the primitive outpost, believing Metroplex was underneath (and also because it was fun), their team was caught up to by a team of Autobots who had been trailing them. Waspinator was the first casualty of this battle, blasted from behind and left stunned. The Hunting Party Waspinator carried on as a Titan Hunter, even after Bludgeon and Thundercracker were no longer with the team. When the hunters at last found a Titan, Waspinator managed to be the one to deliver a mortal blowmuch to his misfortune. The Titan panicked and opened a space bridge. flinging itself and Waspinator through time and space. Eventually, after the Titans functions had ceased, Waspinator managed to take control of it and was able to use its space bridge-generating power to return to reality. Long afterwards, when Waspinator was drowning his sorrows at a seedy bar somewhere within the universe, he found himself confronted by his old superior, Bludgeon, and Jhiaxus. Upon hearing Waspinators tale, Jhiaxus convinced the hapless Decepticon to join his party, seeing that his titan-controlling ability could be useful. The group went to Gorlam Prime. where Waspinator pretended to be chased by the Monstructor Six so as to lure Orion Pax and his friends into coming to his rescue. The ploy worked, and as Pax and the others struggled to hold off Monstructor. Waspinator said he had been brought to the planet to do something terrible and made the former Autobot leader realize that the ancient ruins beneath Gorlam Primes surface were a slumbering Titan. When Pax awakened the Titan to battle Monstructor, Waspinator made his move and connected himself to the Titan so as to take control of it like he had in the past. Under Jhiaxus orders, Waspinator forced the Titan to teleport to Cybertron. Homecoming Ooh. Wazzpinator working for important Decepticon. Maybe Wazzpinator not get damaged this time. Guiding the Titan to Crystal City. Soundwaves Waspinator was quick to pledge allegiance to Jhiaxuss ally, Shockwave. who used Ore-14 to transform the Titan into the undead Necrotitan. Dark Dawn When the combined forces of Bumblebee s Autobots and Soundwave s Decepticons attacked Crystal City to put a stop to their plans, Shockwave had Waspinator relinquish his stinger, recognizing that the weapon had forged Waspinators link to the Necrotitan when he had used it to deliver its killing blow. While Waspinators limited intelligence had been unable to make much sense of the link to the giants mind, Shockwave used the weapon to much greater effect, taking direct control of the Necrotitan and using it to scatter their attackers. Finest Hour Shockwave then tasked Waspinator with bringing the useful body of Megatron to his chambers, but Galvatron took over this duty as he didnt trust modern Cybertronians. Waspinator accompanied him, carrying Megatrons legs, only to be knocked out when Megatron revealed himself to still be alive. The Dead Are Not Enough Sigh . why doezz Wazzpinator bother As Waspinator had already served his purpose by providing the Necrotitan, Shockwave punished him for letting Megatron escape by ordering Metalhawk to execute him, but Metalhawk resisted his control and spared the bug. Finis Temporis The two spied on Shockwave as he revealed the disastrous end goal of his plan, after which they were approached by Skywarp who teleported them out to warn the other Transformers. The Becoming As the Autobots and Decepticons formed a group to oppose Shockwave, an unwilling Waspinator was dragged along thanks to his knowledge of Crystal Citys layout. As soon as they were teleported into Shockwaves lair, however, he was impaled by Bludgeon and left on the sidelines to lament his lot in life. Black Planet Six months after the battle with Shockwave, a recovered Waspinator was drinking at Maccadams Old Oil House when Windblade stopped by. A Bot and Her City At some point he had located and gotten thrown out of Starscream s Regenesis mine within Metroplex, and following an attempt on Windblades life, he commented that she shouldnt have been snooping around in Metroplex either. When this comment caught the attention of Windblade, he assumed she wanted to hurt him and tried to flee, only to be taken down by Chromia. Windblade herself proved more sympathetic to Waspinators plight and comforted the paranoid bot until he agreed to show her the mine. Windblade vol. 1 2 Their investigation into the mine eventually got them captured by Starscream, but fortunately Chromia, Blurr. and some other neutrals broke them out of jail. Windblade vol. 1 3 EVERY NOW AND THEN I FALL APAAAARRT Waspinator later partied it up at Maccadams some time after Wheeljack s reactivation, sharing a song with Sky-Byte. The World of Tomorrow After a disastrous first contact with Caminus. Waspinator was one of the Decepticons who went to the colony to help the locals. He was confused to find the locals were glad to see him and even asked why they were being nice to him. The Possible Light When Prowl and Devastator attempted to force the Cybertronians off Caminus, Waspinator was the first to see him coming (and to run away). His contribution to the battle was mainly to run around screaming, but he managed to avoid getting stepped on, impaled, or blown up, which is a pretty good outcome for him. Mistakes and Mayhem After the battle was over, Waspinator and Sparkstalker helped repair the damage to Caminus, earning the Decepticons respect from the Camiens. You, Me, and the Universe He was then caught up in the combiner war between Devastator, Superion. Defensor. and Optimus Maximus and was urged to get to safety by Chromia. All That Remains Once the situation finally cooled down and an alliance between Cybertron and Caminus was brokered, Waspinator attended a Not the End of the World party at Maccadams where he danced with Tall and Fat Tankor. Windblade vol. 2 4 Waspinator was later minding his own business on the street when he was almost run over by Arcee. An Uneventful Night He then got caught up in a bar fight started by the Dinobots at Maccadams, and commented that he hated weekends. Redemption When Starscream announced Chosen One Day, Waspinator could be seen relaxing in a pool of energon. Choose Me Kre-O cartoon As the Decepticons set up to make Megatron a grilled cheese sandwich, Waspinator helped out by putting a giant bib on their leader. When Wheeljack and Cliffjumper invaded the work site, Waspinator helped surround the interlopers, only to be pelted with molten cheese and caught in a net by the other Autobots. Quest for Energon, Part 2 Kre-O online comic Thrustinator was part of a massive Decepticon invasion force intended to ruin the Autobots picnic. However, Optimus Prime plowed through them with his truck and left them scattered. and then left. Returning to the scene after. ahem . taking care of some pressing business, Optimus gathered up the still-wiped-out Kreons, bound them up on a flatbed trailer, and took them to the picnic. Emergency Hurry to the Base, Optimus As Waspinator, he helped construct Megatrons solar power tower, only to be buried in blocks when it ended up wrecked. Megatrons Ambition. The Solar Tower Is Built After being blown apart by a crazed Galvatron. a Thrust-looking Kreon was rebuilt into Thrustinator. Enter the New Emperor of Destruction. Stop Galvatrons Rampage Transformers Legends comic A resident of the Legends Universe. Waspinator attended Transformers Celebration 2014 where he bought some Transformers toys. Legends Bonus Vol. A huge Transformers fan and employee of Tera-Kura Co.. Rivals Tera-Kura Co. he claimed to know everything about Transformers but also refused to talk about anything else . even with clients. After an incident where he hung up on a client who didnt want to talk Transformers . his boss Megatron broke him into pieces. Buzz Buzz Buzz, Wasps Flyyy At one point, Waspinator was standing behind Rattrap in line at Ravage s toy shop. Bonus Edition Vol. 1 After being beaten again for playing with toys during work hours, Waspinator was approached by a bashful Megatron who asked to see him after work. Believing his boss was hitting on him, he protested that he didnt swing that way, unaware that Megatron just wanted to learn more about Transformers and impress Blackarachnia. President Megas Requests Agreeing to be Megatrons personal Transformers teacher, Waspinator taught him various Transformer names through use of a song and provided him with material to study on the train. President Megas Studies When Tankor attacked Tokyo with Roadbuster and Whirl. Waspinator recognized the latter two as Wreckers from a UK Transformers comic. interrupting Tankors own claims that they were from an 80s mecha anime. He was promptly chased off by the annoyed Tankor. Bonus Edition Vol. 4 During a subsequent lesson, Waspinator attempted to teach his boss about Roadbuster and Whirls origins, but didnt get far since Megatron was distracted by fantasies about what British Transformers must be like. Whirl and Roadbuster Now on Sale, Buzz Waspinator celebrated Christmas with his sons, Buzz Saw and Venin. and suggested the readers reward themselves with some Transformers purchases in the upcoming year. Merry Xmas Waspinator and Rattrap were present when Gelshark arrived in the Legends Universe, explaining Transformers were fictional in their world and breaking it to him that he wasnt as popular as he hoped. Bonus Edition Vol. 6 When Megatron was acting weird during Quickstrike s job interview, Waspinator explained that the president had been watching the third movie the day before. The Results of Mega-chans Studies Unlike Blackarachnia, he went home when the workday was over instead of stick around to do more work. Widow-chan at Work Waspinator was temporarily turned into Thrust due to Transformers sickness. Im Tankor, dana When Windblade appeared in the Legends Universe, Waspinator initially mistook her for Nijika from Transformers 2010 and, to Megatrons frustration, was the only one to understand her explanation about the Legends Universes status as a Zamojin creation. Bonus Edition Vol. 12 His nerdy knowledge came in handy again when Tera-Kura was invaded by another Megatron. as he was able to teach his own Megatron everything there was to know about the newcomers history. Bonus Edition Vol. 13 He was present at Tokyo Toy Show 2015 where he witnessed Black Convoy causing trouble. Bonus Edition Vol. EX A third Megatron known as Armada Megatron later showed up and started stealing Mini-Con toys from everyone, including Waspinator. After Rattrap had chased the villain away, Waspinator claimed a stolen Dragoyell belonged to him, and not Rattrap. Bonus Edition Vol. EX Waspinator later bothered the original Megatron after hed assumed the position of chairman of Tera-Kura Co. Widow-chans Usual Day President Megatron invited him and all other employees out for a night on the town after work, but no one showed up. The Autumn Megatron Festival Chapter Waspinator was present at the show floor where Tera-Kura unveiled their latest product, Nightbird Shadow. to the public. Bonus Edition Vol. 15 He was at the office when Chairman Megatron recruited new employee Slipstream. Bonus Edition Vol. 16 as well as when Blackarachnia was thinking about her life working under her idolized Megatron. Bonus Edition Vol. 17 Waspinator watched with envy when Armada Megatron began stealing all the worlds Transformers toys, and was shocked to learn that he and the other toy nerds were empowering the Zamojin with their desires. He celebrated when Megatron gave up the toys, and was quick to try and claim a Unicron of Light for himself. Bonus Edition Vol. 18 When the Deadlock of Cloud World showed up, Waspinator was the only fan hardcore enough to recognize him from Transformers Cloud . which he taught the others about. He and the others were then sent to Cloud World themselves when SARA messed up. Bonus Edition Vol. EX The next interdimensional visitor to run into Waspinator was the original Waspinator from another dimension. Meeting his counterpart outside of Tera-Kura Co. Waspinator offered to introduce him to President Megatron. Bonus Edition Vol. EX This turned out to be a mistake, as the much larger and stronger Waspinator proceeded to take over the company and force its employees into servitude. Megatron rightfully blamed his own Waspinator. Bonus Edition Vol. EX When Chairman Megatron was seemingly killed protecting his employees from Skids. Waspinator commented that he must have been influenced by his time as a good guy in his G-2 days. Bonus Edition Vol. 20 After his company merged with the Decepticon Headmasters. forming the Decepticon Tera-Kura Co., Waspinator was included on a chart showing its employees. Bonus Edition Vol. 22 He later attended a meeting during which Chairman Megatron scolded the Headmasters. Bonus Edition Vol. 23 When the Sweeps were introduced, Waspinator compared their voices to those of other Transformers. LG-26 Scourge Prologue I want to tell you about the Transformers This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances . You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it . Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars Megatron was capable of summoning Waspinator forth to the battlefield in his attempts to acquire the super-powerful energon crystal. Duel Fight Transformers Beast Wars Transformers Legends Waspinator, alongside Blackarachnia and Terrorsaur, happened upon an impact crater containing a large stasis pod marked with a red X. Also finding Silverbolt at the scene, the Predacons fought with Maximal, until what was within the pod was accidentally let loose. From within emerged the monstrous Rampage. After being separated by the fight from Blackarachnia and Silverbolt for a time, Waspinator contributed to Rampages defeat, just in time for Megatron to arrive at the scene. When Sparks Fly Transformers: Battle Tactics Wazzzpinator has plans tacticzzzz. Waspinator participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him He was a Rare character who first appeared in the Beast Wars: Episode 1 event, and could be recruited by collecting 160 units of Cybermetal, and 95 units of Transmetal. Transformers: Battle Tactics Merchandise It is unclear just how Waspinator traveled from prehistoric Earth to future Cybertron in Beast Machines . presumably under his own power. Perhaps if he somehow managed to reach escape velocity and traveled to Cybertron at sub-light speed, it would have taken long enough that he would have caught up to the main timeline. A concrete explanation would have been provided in the Primeval Dawn comics, with Waspinator (among many other Earth-bound characters) traveling back to Cybertron via transwarp portal. However, the bankruptcy of 3H meant these final issues were never fully written, much less published, and all we really know about what they were going to say came from message board posts from author Dan Khanna. 91 citation needed 93 Since the material was never completed or published, fans may not necessarily accept them as storyline facts and could thus leave the mechanics of Waspinators return an unsolved mystery. Bob Skir said in 2013 that its a story hed like to tell, joking Waspinators journey must have been worthy of Homer. 1 Ever wonder why Waspinator became the whipping boy of Beast Wars . Early in the series, his buzzing, drawling method of speaking frustrated story editors Larry DiTillio and Bob Forward. as they found it was taking up too much time out of the episodes. To get around this, but still meet with the requirement that he appear regularly, they took to blasting him to bits so that he wouldnt have to talk Of course, this only wound up endearing him to the writers and the fans, and his frequent brushes with destruction became a running gag done for fun, rather than a script requirement. 2 He only surfaces twice in Beast Machines because his character would clash with the darker tone. 3 Waspinator was originally chosen by Hasbro to be one of the characters killed off for the second season of the Beast Wars cartoon to help make way for new characters (read: product ). However, Forward and DiTillio convinced them to spare Waspinator on the grounds of his popularity with the online fan-base, so Terrorsaur and Scorponok took the plunge instead. His popularity was shown again when he won the Transformers Hall of Fame 2011 fan vote, beating three iconic 19845 characters and a guy with an entendre for a name. Waspinator was originally slated to appear in the very first Beast Wars video game. and even had a character model built. However, he was ultimately unused and only appeared in footage taken from the Beast Wars cartoon. Waspinator is the inspiration for Buzzer-Bot from Go-Bots and Wasp from Transformers Animated . According to Waspinators profile in Beast Wars Universe . he likes flying and nectar. Waspinators special tongue, there is no other like it Waspinator has a yellow tongue in robot mode. While Waspinator usually refers to other characters by nicknames, he is fairly consistent about calling Megatron and Optimus Primal by their real names. (Fairly. ) He also refers to Inferno by name at least twice, and Tarantulas at least once. Waspinator is the only member of the Beast Wars Predacon lineup who was there from the beginning and remains alive for the entire course of both shows. He also has the honor of having the last line in Beast Wars . and just barely misses the last line in Beast Machines . Waspinator never once makes a proper landing while in his beast form. Technically, Waspinators beast mode is that of a female wasp, given that males do not possess a stinger. He would probably find this objectionable, along with everything else in his life. In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars . Waspinator retained his verbal tic of making a buzzing noise while speaking, but it was rendered differently. Instead of stressing syllables of certain words to make a buzzing noise, he would end and punctuate sentences with bun . which is the Japanese onomonopia equivalent for buzz. Foreign names Japanese: Waspeeter ( Wasupt ), 4 Waspinator ( Wasupint ) Bulgarian: Osinator () French: Bourdon (Canada, Bumblebee), Bizznator (Canada cartoon and Transmetal) 5 Italian: Punginator (Stinginator) Korean: Waspinato ( Waseupinato . Waseupineito ) Mandarin: H-fng (Taiwan, , Wasp), Tsng-yng (Taiwan, , Fly), Hung Fng (China, , Wasp) Polish: Osator (Wasp-tor) Russian: Ospinator (, Waspinator) Spanish: Waspinator (Spain), Avispanator (America, Wasp-nator), Avispn (toy, Hornet) References Moonbase 2 interview with Bob Skir. 1:27:39 to 1:30:09 Auto Assembly interview with Bob Forward Moonbase 2 interview with Bob Skir. 1:32:41 to 1:33:01 This particular romanization was first used on a Japanese Beast Wars trading card. and later reappeared in the opening sequence for the Japanese version of the PlayStation Beast Wars Transmetals game. It is unknown at this time if Waspinator was Bizznator in both Quebec and France, or if there were even two separate French dubs of Beast Wars to begin with. However, it is definitely known that only Canada got packaging with actual French names on it. Tarantulas (BW) Tarantulas is the scheming mad scientist of the Predacon crew. Hes the type of mad scientist who experiments on living beings, cackling in his trademarked laugh all the while, and then if things go wrong, happily eats whats left as his midday snack. The eating is what he was really looking forward to, anyway. Its this focused perversity that turns off even his fellow Predacons. Tarantulass emotional detachment from their war also rubs his peers the wrong way. Fighting Maximals and following orders is just a required chore his real passion is the unmentionable projects stashed in his secret lair. Nominally, Tarantulas was one of the Predacons to join Megatron during his theft of the Golden Disk and the search for Earth. In addition to being an utterly psychotic, sadistic sociopath, he has a record for treachery rivaled by few other Transformers. He is actually an agent of the Tripredacus Council. which is trying to coax the Beast Wars toward an unspecified goal, where neither Autobot or Decepticon won the Great War. Who knows what other dark secrets lie in his past. If anything upsets Tarantulas, other than losing a potential meal, its those pompous aliens who call themselves the Vok. He harbors a hatred for them strong enough to make him work to eliminate them by any means. In some universes he can combine with the Tripredacus Council and Ravage to form Predacus. Sometimes he is previously known as Mesothulas and sometimes his name is spelled as Tarantulus . Why Megatron, I do believe youre trying to seduce m oh, hey, Razorbeast . Tarantulas was a sneaky, mysterious ninja feared across the galaxy. A master of the martial arts, he was suspected in the disappearances of many Earthlings. and rumors swirled of giant cocoons where he stored his prey. Tarantulas bio Tarantulas was guarding the Predacons jungle-based genetics lab along with Megatron and Waspinator. When the Maximals discovered them, he engaged Razorbeast in combat briefly before Megatron called retreat and destroyed the lab. Optimus Primal vs Megatron After the quantum surge. Tarantulas became a Transmetal. with the accompanying vehicle mode to match. With his new set of wheels, Tarantulas didnt have to rely on stealth and deceit as much, instead speeding head-first into battle and using his new mechanical beast mode to overpower his enemies. Transmetal Tarantulas bio Cartoon continuity Beast Wars cartoon Lieutenant Tarantulas of the Predacon Secret Police was one of Megatron s original crew, a mole inside his organization feeding information back to the Tripredacus Council without his knowledge. The Agenda (Part 2) More than that, he was a direct agent of the Council and shared their origins, with an overall agenda to alter the timeline by going back to prehistoric Earth and completely destroying the Ark and the Transformers within. Other Victories The plan went tits up though, as Megatrons Darksyde warship ended up crashing on an unidentified planet and contact with Cybertron was lost. Beast Wars (Part 1) Tarantulas carried on as normal despite this setback. The Agenda (Part 2) Not arachnophobic, eh I can fix that. As Megatrons technical leader, he manned the scanners to appropriate beast forms based on the most powerful local creatures, choosing the form of an over-sized spider for himself. He cheerfully took part in the first battle of the Beast Wars. only to succumb to energon buildup while the Maximals were escaping. Beast Wars (Part 1) The Predacons uncovered a stash of energon crystals atop a mountain, but were forced to fight in their beast modes. Tarantulas and Rattrap fought in this manner until Megatron triggered a chain reaction which caused the energon to explode. Beast Wars (Part 2) Sure, hes fast on the draw, but he ALWAYS shoots himself in the foot. It wasnt long before Tarantulas had set up his own underground lair to keep his experiments away from Megatrons prying eyes. After helping Scorponok recover a mega-cannon, Tarantulas managed to capture Cheetor. trapping the young Maximal in a web in his lair with the intent of feeding later. Rattrap mounted a rescue, during which the cavern caved in on Tarantulas The Web Tarantulas was blasted by Rattrap during the battle at the Standing Stones. and later accompanied Megatron and Terrorsaur to attack the Axalon after it appeared that Optimus Primal had perished. After the Maximals got the ships shields back up, he suggested to Megatron that they return to the Standing Stones. Unfortunately once there, the Maximals managed to retrieve Primal from the alien probe at the site, and Tarantulas was one of the first victims of the restored Maximal commander. Chain of Command Terrorsaur, his power boosted, defeated Megatron in combat before leaving Tarantulas in charge of the other Predacons. Tarantulas promptly tailed Terrorsaur to find out what his new power source was, and discovered it was a flying mountain topped with a cache of super energon. Before he could do anything with the knowledge, he encountered Rattrap, whod come to destroy the mountain. Their fight ended with Tarantulas falling from the side of the mountain. Power Surge He subsequently took part in an attack on the Maximal base after a stasis pod crashed. While Megatron kept Dinobot distracted, Tarantulas and Scorponok ambushed the Maximal from behind. Unfortunately for them, Dinobot had time to activate the base defenses, and Tarantulas was blasted into the distance by the auto-guns. Fallen Comrades When the Predacons finally captured a stasis pod, Tarantulas made sure that the protoform was given a spider beast mode, creating Blackarachnia. Megatron suspected he had ulterior motives, but was nonetheless pleased by the new soldier. Tarantulas seemed happy to follow Terrorsaur when the Predacon mounted another takeover attempt with the aid of Rattrap, but spent most of his time skulking around the Darksyde in search of rats to eat. He spotted Rattrap sneaking around, but the Maximal blasted him before he could do anything. He subsequently limped back to the others to find that Megatron had reasserted his leadership. Double Jeopardy After one of Scorponoks viruses turned Primal into a berserker, the Maximal leader broke into the Predacon base and, completely ignoring Tarantulass attempts to stop him, pinned the spider to a wall using Tarantulass own weapon. Gorilla Warfare Behold my latest invention. THE DISCO BALL VERSION 2.0 One of Tarantulass many inventions, the transformation lock lens. was instrumental in preventing the Maximals from contacting a temporal probe doing a flyby of the planet. He used it to ensnare Tigatron and Cheetor, then wreaked havoc with the Maximals attempts to build a communications array, before he was finally defeated by Primal. Although his new toy was destroyed by the recovered Cheetor and Tigatron, the damage was already done, and the probe flew by uncontacted. The Probe After the Predacons discovered a Maximal spy camera in their base, they faked a mutiny and hid in a crevice. Tarantulas spent his nights being hugged like a stuffed toy by Waspinator. and his days eating stray rats. While the Maximals repaired the Axalon . the Predacons were discovered by Dinobot, and gave chase. Though they attacked the Maximal ship in an attempt to capture it, the affair ended with the Axalon crashing back to the ground. Victory After a Maximal victory, largely due to the efforts of Rhinox, Tarantulas captured the rhino in a web on Megatrons orders, so that he could be converted into a Predacon by the Transmuter. In return, the new Predacon poisoned him and Blackarachnia. Dark Designs Ever the engineer, Tarantulas invents the low-tech equivalent of a tow truck. Tarantulas detected another stasis pod landing in Grid Scavos. but Megatron refused to let him go and assist in the recovery, much to his disgust. The Spark The next time a stasis pod crashed, Tarantulas was more prepared. From his lair, he used a magna pulse to disable both the Darksyde and Axalon to allow him to investigate without interference. Unfortunately for him, Blackarachnia had found his lair, and insisted on coming along to help. At the pod, Tarantulas reprogrammed the new arrival into a Predacon, but was disappointed that a beast mode had already been chosen, and Inferno would not be another spider. In the confusion that followed, he made off with the real prize the stasis pod itself. Unfortunately for him, Tigatron destroyed the pod before he could get very far, and he was forced to retreat when Megatron arrived. Later, in his lair, he inadvertently told Blackarachnia that the planet was doomed, and she realized he was intending to build an escape ship, however he threw her out before she could work out any more of his plans. Spiders Game Tarantulas took part in a diversionary attack while Waspinator and Terrorsaur stole the Maximals rectifier coil. After the Maximals went feral, the Predacons mounted a hunting expedition, though Tarantulas was stuck supporting the back end of Megatrons chair. Call of the Wild On another occasion, Tarantulas detected what appeared to be walking energon. Megatron realized that an earlier battle had left four of the Maximals contaminated and blinded, and ordered Tarantulas to send Terrorsaur to investigate. Dark Voyage After Waspinator was possessed by the ghost of Starscream. Tarantulas took part in the attack on the Axalon . and pointed out once theyd conquered it that their own base was now undefended. Megatrons answer was to leave Starscream in charge of the Axalon . a decision which would come back to bite him later. Possession See I told you I was taller than Tarantulas. During an attack on the Maximal base, Tarantulas was able to infect Rhinox with an energon discharge virus. though he himself was injured by Dinobot during the retreat. He was tracked by Dinobot and Rattrap, but eventually turned the tables by getting the drop on them, only to be flattened by a huge boulder. After recovering, he took advantage of their incessant arguing by trying to get the drop on them again, only to be knocked unconscious by a double punch. Finally, Dinobot attempted to use Tarantulass body as a hostage, only for Megatron to blast it aside. Perhaps his only consolation was that he avoided the indignity of the fate that befell the rest of the Predacons. The Low Road With the return of the aliens a certainty, Tarantulas stole a transwarp cell from the Darksyde . slagging Waspinator in the process. Megatron detected the theft and used Blackarachnia as a distraction while he remotely inserted his own programming into the cell. The two spiders later took part in an attempt to prevent Tigatron from escaping the Predacon base, and were squished by a boulder Dinobot had set up. They were relatively uninjured and able to haul their damaged comrades back to the ship. Before the Storm The two spiders teamed up again, infiltrating the Maximal base and disabling Rhinox and Dinobot while the other Maximals were busy with the latest alien construct to appear. They became aware that the planets second moon had just been revealed as an artificial, alien doomsday weapon in disguise, with Tarantulas remarking it was the beginning of the end for the planet. Other Voices, Part 1 In the cargo hold, Tarantulas used the transwarp cell and a stasis pod to construct a ship, but was interrupted by Inferno, who torched the spider. Fortunately, Blackarachnia entered Tarantulass mind to obtain the information to complete the escape ship, and he was able to set up a permanent neural link between the two Predacons. Other Voices, Part 2 A new look, and he didnt even have to sell out to Tony Stark for it When the quantum surge caused by the second moons destruction knocked out all of the Transformers on the planet, Tarantulass body was upgraded to a Transmetal form, and he forced Blackarachnia to drag it from the Maximal base, even getting her to ignore Megatrons command to stay and fight the Maximals. Aftermath With Blackarachnias hard work and some serious-looking electrical arc generators, Tarantulas was restored to life. Megatron soon called him to the battlefield, so he left Blackarachnia to root around in their leaders computer files: by this point, the loss of the moon and the damages to the planet had revealed it to be prehistoric Earth all along. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1) Using his new cycle mode, Tarantulas quickly reached the Maximals position. During the fight, he kept in contact with her, until a shot by Dinobot put him temporarily out of commission. After he came around, Blackarachnia reported that shed failed to get the data he needed. The Predacons were soon routed by the resurrection of Optimus Primal, and forced to return to base. There, Megatron and Tarantulas questioned Blackarachnia, only to be told the vital data had been lost. Neither of them believed her, but didnt call her out. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2) With his old lair destroyed by the Planet Buster, Tarantulas was fortuitous in that Megatron assigned him with Blackarachnia and Quickstrike to check out a cave filled with energon. He quickly surmised that it would make an excellent new lair, and attempted to get his two comrades interested in going it alone. Blackarachnia was more interested in getting rid of the neural link the two of them shared, and cracked an energon crystal, sending feedback through the link, to force him to sever it. By a fortunate coincidence, the three Predacons were soon attacked by Silverbolt and Rattrap, and during the battle Tarantulas was able to convincingly fake the destruction of the cave, allowing him to utilize it as his own lair. Tangled Web When Dinobot defected to the Predacon side, Tarantulas offered to verify his programming, but Megatron decided it wouldnt be a very good idea to let Tarantulas into Dinobots processor. Maximal, No More Downside: everything tastes like feet now. Back in his lair, Tarantulass instruments detected the aliens again, and he rushed off to the site. He arrived shortly after Tigatron and Airazor had been abducted, and zapped Cheetor, but was forced to retreat when more Maximals arrived. He visited Megatron, claiming to no longer be under the tyrants command, but willing to help. The Predacons returned to the alien site to set up equipment, during which Blackarachnia revealed that she had learned through the broken neural link that Tarantulas hated the aliens. Other Visits (Part 1) Megatron, Quickstrike, and Tarantulas recovered quickly from the energy wave put out by the new alien construct. and after Tarantulass refractive web was activated, the trio ventured inside. Once Megatron had control of the construct, he terminated his alliance with Tarantulas, dropping the Predacon from a great height. Infuriated, Tarantulas helped the Maximals attack the construct, infiltrating it along with Rattrap, and sabotaging the transwarp cells which Megatron installed, causing the ship to explode. Other Visits (Part 2) Though a bug planted on Megatrons chair, Tarantulas learned that Blackarachnia had been sent to recover a new protoform, and took the opportunity to threaten her to try and extract the information he suspected shed gained from Megatrons computers. Unfortunately for him, Silverbolt stepped in and defended Blackarachnia, shortly before an energon explosion separated everyone. Though Tarantulas found the stasis pod, its contents found him, and his body parts were spread liberally over a wide area. Bad Spark Dinobot later tracked down Tarantulas in an attempt to find out what Megatrons latest scheme was. Though Tarantulas didnt know, Dinobot forced him to act as transport, and they soon found Megatron preparing to torch a valley fill of Protohumans. Tarantulas took advantage of Dinobots distraction to shoot the Maximal, only for Dinobot to drop a boulder on him. Code of Hero Tarantulas presses the History Eraser Button. Alerted by the transwarp wavefront. the Tripredacus Council sent covert agent Ravage to capture Megatron. The former Decepticon led the Maximals to apprehend Megatron, and Tarantulas assisted by taking down the Darksyde s defense system. The Agenda (Part 1) Megatron, much to his indignation, was later informed by Ravage that the spider was a lieutenant in the Predacon Secret Police Tarantulas joined in the diss by laughing over a comm-screen at his former boss. Tarantulas was able to instruct the Maximals in the location of a stash of energon crystals that Megatron had hidden. The Agenda (Part 2) When Ravage was persuaded to change sides by the Predacon leader, Tarantulas appeared to come too, manning the transwarp cruiser s weapons systems for an attack on the Axalon . Alas, Rattrap chewed his way into the ship and tossed a couple of bombs at Tarantulas, which stuck to his hands before exploding. The Agenda (Part III) Tarantulas survived, though, and was quickly put back together by his arachnoids. He was repaired in time to witness the destruction of the Axalon . Optimal Situation He was soon seen back at the Predacon base, working under Megatrons command once again with no mention of his former secession. Cutting Edge However, around this time he was also working on another scheme: restoring the Nemesis . the flagship of the Decepticon fleet At some point, hed found it lying at the bottom of the ocean, and was ensuring it would not only fly again but had a Predacon control console and a transwarp cell that could take it back to Cybertron. Nemesis Part 1 He battled the Maximals alongside Megatrons cyber raptors. taking the opportunity to try out his new Transmetal cyber venom to great success, though he was stomped on by a cyber raptor once the Maximals worked out how to destroy their controls. Cutting Edge He assisted in the construction of Megatrons disruptor cannon. suggesting that they abduct an early human to complete the device when the other Predacons were unable to get too close to it due to the unstable power source. While the cannon was completed by Una. she managed to use her knowledge of levers to tip a piece of heavy equipment on him. Though he survived that, Una had taken the cannons stablizer crystal, and it exploded in the Predacons faces when they tried to use it. Go with the Flow When the Maximals attempted to remove Blackarachnias shell program, he revealed to Megatron that he had included certain safeguards that guaranteed she would not survive, and joined the other Predacons in an attack on the Maximals that was meant to disrupt the attempted shell removal. He fired the missile which knocked the Maximals power off-line at a crucial instant, seemingly bringing an end to his treacherous creation. Enraged by the death of his beloved, Silverbolt attempted to kill the scientist, but was thwarted by Rampage. who was later defeated by a revived8212and Transmetalized 8212Blackarachnia. Crossing the Rubicon Tarantulas participated in the Predacons next attempt to retake the Ark. utilising his latest invention to allow Quickstrike to take control of Optimus Primal. and that was when he made his move, at last. He manipulated Quickstrike into throwing Megatron into the nearby lava while he himself set the Arks engines to overload. Megatron survived his lava-dunking, gaining a new body in the process. However, he had lost his patience. While hed tolerated Tarantulass treachery, he could not tolerate incompetence. Tarantulas survived his punishment and fled back to his lair. Master Blaster This appears to have not been what Quickstrike thought he was going to do, and neither he nor Megatron had any idea why hed planned to destroy the whole Ark. Tarantulas was left ranting in his lair about how the Tripredacus Councils plans were wrecked, while his systems monitored the Nemesis (which was finished by this point). However, his rant and Nemesis plans were interrupted when the aliens8212now revealed to be called the Vok 8212sent their emissary Tigerhawk arrived on Earth. Tarantulas let him take out the Predacons, then used his arachnoids to disable and capture him. Tarantulas intended to force the all-powerful being into his servitude by drawing the Vok influences out of his body and reprogramming him, and then have him obliterate the Ark: he cheerfully told the emissary that as he nor the Council had Autobot or Decepticon origins, theyd survive the resulting timestorm, turn Cybertron into a universe-conquering force, and one day even conquer the Vok themselves The scheme backfired, however, as his energy beam device expelled two actual Vok out of Tigerhawk. The formless spectres attempted to take over Tarantulas body. Panicking, he made a religious sign to ward them off and then opened fire on thema futile gesture that merely served to spin the energy device around til its rays were blasting him and his lab equipment. Overloaded by the beams, Tarantulas exploded, leaving nothing behind but his boots. The remainder of his equipment detonated seconds later, blowing the lair to rubble. Cheetor managed to rescue the inert Tigerhawk, and Tarantulas was presumed destroyed. Other Victories Megatron knew that Tarantulas must have had some schemes on the go that the Predacons could pick up and use, and had his men search the ruins of the spiders lair. During this, he offhandedly referred to him as Unicrons Spawn . He ended up discovering and using the working Nemesis . Nemesis Part 1 Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base As part of a plot to destroy the 2014 Transformers Expo in Yokohama and the Cybertronian artifacts within, Taratulas, working on Unicron s behalf, secretly granted NAVI-ko a new body and intelligence regarding Nemesis Prime. True to plan, NAVI-ko was sent to activate the clone and guide him to the Transformers Expo. However, thanks to Nemesis Primes inherent sense of justice, the plan failed. Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base I want to tell you about the Transformers This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances . You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it . Beast Wars Diorama Story A ravenous, sinister fiend. and Tarantulas. Sometime after Starscreams arrival to prehistoric Earth, Tarantulas was confronted in battle by a time-displaced Motorarm. who fended off the Predacon with his Beetle Claw attack. Tarantulas was not present when the Autobots from another universe and Maximals combined all of their energies to attack a team of Predacons and Decepticons. Motorarm Chapter Tarantulas was the inventor of the mind-drill. Megatron borrowed it from him to get information out of Antagony. Herald Further proving the maxim: If you want to steal the Matrix, you basically can. Following the Beast Wars, Tarantulass body returned to life, reanimated by the Vok powers hed previously absorbed. The undead Tarantulas, along with a rebuilt Ravage (as Tripredacus Agent ), nurtured new troops to life through enigmatic means, growing Razorclaw and Iguanus in tubes. Primeval Dawn Part 1 Primeval Dawn II The remaining Vok anticipated Tarantulass plan to destroy the rest of them, take their power, and fashion the timestream to his desires, and so they assembled an army of their own consisting of Primal Prime. Airazor. and Tigatron. Tarantulas met this opposition in battle, overwhelmed them, and triumphantly ripped the Matrix of Leadership from Primal Primes chest. Primeval Dawn Part 2 Wounded critically, the Maximals withdrew to the Ark, while Tarantulas and his Predacons returned to his lair, where he directed them in the construction of a transwarp portal. Upon completion, Tarantulas planned to bring his stolen prize to his master, Unicron. Since his troops were getting restless, he promised them they could assault the Ark once they finished construction. Tarantulas was true to his word, and as Ravage led the Predacons against the Maximals, Unicrons spawn tried to stabilize the portal and prepared the Matrix for transport. Primeval Dawn Part 3 3H Productions dissolved before this storyline could be completed. Based on the subsequent Wreckers and Universe storylines, it can be assumed that the Matrix of Leadership was restored to Optimus Primes body at the end of this altercation, the Maximals were triumphant and used Tarantulass portal to return home to Cybertron, and that Tarantulas somehow fled to Unicron. After using the Divine Light to access Primus s power, Cryotek reanimated several Sharkticon corpses into facsimiles of Megatron s old subordinates, including one of Tarantulas. Wreckers: Finale Part II Tarantulus sic basically just never dies. A year after the Great Reformatting. the influence of Unicron swayed an abducted Blackarachnia to the side of darkness. As she was escorted by Tankor and Reptilion into the heart of the Chaos Bringer, she was surprised to see Tarantulas (still in his undead body) greet her as she joined the ranks of the Minions of Unicron. She hissed with disgust while Tarantulas noted that it was just like old times. Escape Tarantulas had learned that Alpha Trion had been assembling the Children of Primus to counter Unicrons Minions, and so he sent Blackarachnia on a mission to her home Cybertron to sever the link between the Transformers and Primus by invading Vector Sigma s chamber and destroying Alpha Trion. He gave Blackarachnia a swarm of Piranacons and directions to the chamber through a structural weak point near the Rust Sea. Homecoming Transformers Legends anthology The original Megatron. now inside the mind of Predacon Megatron after the latter planted the formers spark inside his body, berated the Predacon leaders failuresin particular, being led astray time and again by such treacherous subordinates as Tarantulas. A Meeting of Minds IDW Beast Wars comics One account states that when Tarantulas was born at the Pit. a glitch in the process granted him insight into the fact that an alien force was manipulating the Predacons for its ends. Thus, Tarantulas became obsessed with whatever this force was. Beast Wars Sourcebook 4 Another account stated that Tarantulas was one of the Tripredacus Council s covert agents, working for them since before the Great Wars began to be recorded. As a key member of the councils schemes, Tarantulas helped develop the combiner technology that led to Predacus. Combiner Wars Tarantulas bio Before his travels off-world, Tarantulas worked in tandem with the Tripredacus Council, who sought to unite Cybertron under a single, purer race. As the Great War drew to a close, Tarantulas received field intelligence reporting startling news: both Optimus Prime and Galvatron had died in a terrible confrontation between their forces. Though his masters werent particularly moved by this turn of events, a renegade within their armys ranks was. It became clear to the council that this upstart would resume the offensive against the enemy forces despite being ordered not to, and so Tarantulas was sent back out into the field to try and prevent any further complications from arising out of the situation. While Tarantulas was away, the Councils secret base was discovered, and due to an exploration vessel accidentally getting in its path, the transmatter bomb the Council had attempted to launch, to reformat all of Cybertron at once, was deflected from its proper course. Ram Horn, Cicadacon, Sea Clamp, and Ravage all met up with Tarantuals in the field, and confronted the gestalt Predaking. who was among the Decepticons causing dissension in their ranks. Tarantulas and his allies isolated him on the battlefield, and merged into their own gestalt form, Predacus. to slay him. Tarantulas next met with the upstart now calling himself Megatron, and told him that the transmatter raining down on the planet was the result of a doomsday weapon of Galvatrons going off, triggered by the mad tyrants death. He next informed Megatron that Predaking has comitted suicide out of shame for his involvement in Galvatrons plans. The Tripredacus Council had hoped these lies would be enough to dissuade Megatron from continuing hostilities, but this was not the case, and so moved on to plan B: sniping Megatron with a stun beam, and surrendering to the Autobots themselves. For the great risks Tarantulas took towards the pursuit of peace, he was granted amnesty after the signing of the Pax Cybertronia. He had a hearty laugh at the expense of the Autobots gullibility over this. Dawn of the Predacus During his time on Earth, Tarantulas discovered the force he was obsessed with since birth was the Vok. Beast Wars Sourcebook 4 He also programmed the Predacons mobile fortress, the Arachnid. utilizing his own personality programs to give it some form of sentience, accompanied by Tarantulass own tendency for cruelty. Beast Wars Sourcebook 1 While Magmatron surveyed the timestream, he witnessed several key events during the Beast Wars. Among these was Tarantulas in his original beast body skulking in his lair. The Gathering 1 Tarantulas joined Ravage at a bar to laugh maniacally over drinks. only for the pair to be approached by Beetle after their fourth outburst the pair were being kicked out since everyone else was tired of their cackling. Thankfully, Tarantulas knew of a place where they could laugh to their hearts content. a childrens ball pit SD BotCon 1 What ywanna do Wanna be hackers Code crackers Slackers Wastin time with all the chatroom yakkers WHAT Tarantulas decoded the information on the Golden Disk which had been freshly stolen by Megatron. He thought this was quite hilarious, but then, he thinks that about everything. Theft of the Golden Disk See A Planet X key in the corner of the pic. Hes working for Unicron Get him As Megatron and his rogue band of Predacons escaped Cybertron in their stolen ship, the Darksyde . Tarantulas was in charge of scanning the disk for a desired set of coordinates. While Megatron was not watching, he was in secret communication with General Cicadacon of the Tripredacus Council. Using the decoded coordinates, the Darksyde opened a transwarp portal, which it and the Axalon passed through. Dawn of Futures Past Two weeks after Airazor was reborn on Earth. Tarantulas fought to defend an orbital weapon from the Maximals. The launching pad was destroyed by Airazor. The Razors Edge Wings Universe One of four mysterious protoforms found by Sky-Byte in the laboratory of Jhiaxus while trying to save his former collaborators clones from the Autobots, A Common Foe Tarantulas and the other three pledged allegiance to the Predacons in suspiciously quick time. 1 Hot Shots Bot Thoughts The Tarantulas of Primax 509.28 Epsilon was interviewed by Shotimus Prime. who seemed determined to prove that Tarantulas was also Sideways. Annoyed by Shotimuss badgering, Tarantulas eventually resorted to pulling the Matrix out of Shotimuss chest, reverting him to Hot Shot, and then hitting him repeatedly with it. Hot Shots Bot Thoughts Waspscream continuity In Primax 208.06 Zeta. Tarantulas joined Waspscream s successful coup against Megatron. Waspscream then convinced Tarantulas to decode Megatrons Golden Disk by promising to make Tarantulas his lieutenant upon returning to Cybertron and deposing the Tripredacus Council. Unfortunately en route, Megatron escaped, conquered Cybertron with a transformation virus. and turned the bodies of Cybertrons populace into Vehicons. Upon arrival, Waspscreams crewmembers who had transmetal forms managed to survive the virus and escape Megatrons clutches, eventually finding their way to the Oracle. who granted them technorganic forms. Waspscreams Predacons waged a valiant Spark War against the Vehicons, eventually achieving victory. Ask Vector Prime, 20150816 Beast Wars Metals manga Tarantulas raises an army of mannequins to strike terror into his foes. Following the Quantum surge. Tarantulas was upgraded into a Transmetal. Scheming with Megatron within their floating island base, Hindenburg. Tarantulas developed a plan to revive the deceased Optimus Primal as a Predacon slave. Recovering Primals mindless, raging body, Tarantulas staged a strange voodoo ceremony (complete with boiling cauldron). As Megatron pricked his finger and prepared to use his mutated blood to turn Primals rampaging body into his slave, the spark of Optimus Primal returned to it just in the nick of time. As Primal turned into a Transmetal, Tarantulas began to celebrate, convinced that his plan had worked out better than he had thought, unaware of what was really going on. In fact, he was so convinced that Primal was now a Predacon slave, that he ordered the monkey to give him a shoulder massage. Optimus Primal proceeded to knock Tarantulass block off. Beast Wars Metals 1 Tarantulas pulled himself together and confronted Tigatron, only to be promptly sliced in half. Beast Wars Metals 2 Undeterred, he taped himself back together and planted an arachnoid in Tigatron which gave Tarantulas control of the Maximal samurais mind and body. Beast Wars Metals 3 Airazor linked her mind to Tigatrons in an attempt to free her beloved and while her body fought Tigatron, Airazors consciousness fought Tarantulas and his virtual minions. Ultimately, with Blackarachnias help, Tigatrons mind was freed, though Airazor died in the process, killed by the mind-controlled Tigatron. Optimus Primal arrived and promptly stomped Tarantulas to death and blew his body to pieces. Beast Wars Metals 4 Shortly afterward, the energies from sparks freed from an obliterated Rampage brought Tarantulas back to life as a mindless zombie. He fought Optimus Primal but was destroyed for good by Primals rocket-fists. Beast Wars Metals 5 Transformers Legends anthology When human archaeologists uncovered a cave filled with primitive language, Mini-Con Laserbeak translated it for them. The markings told of a time when the Maximals and Predacons crash-landed on prehistoric Earth, though the stranded Transformers were seen by the protohumans as gods. The spider-god and the wasp-god , under instruction from their leader. enslaved the humans for the purposes of excavating glowing rose crystals . Eventually, a wolf-god came, and had a fierce battle with the spider, allowing the captive humans to flee. The spider was defeated by the wolf, and then buried underground in a cave-in. Fire in the Dark Ask Vector Prime In Aurex 1104.30-JH Zeta. Tarantulas had his own agenda on prehistoric Earth. He deployed his Arachnoids across the globe to search for traces of Super Energon. accumulating a large cache of the powerful substance. Optimus Primal sacrificed himself to hijack Tarantulass makeshift craft and destroy it in orbit, causing a Super Energon Transwarp Explosion which granted a Transmetal upgrade to many participants in the conflict as well as created the Fuzors. Later, Megatron attempted to use Tarantulass secret experiments in a last-ditch effort to turn the tide, but ultimately, the Maximals emerged victorious in the war for the Mini-Cons. Ask Vector Prime, 20150813 Transformers Legends comic Tarantulas sneakily browsed the toys for sale at Transformers Celebration 2014. Legends Bonus Vol. The head of Tera-Kura Co. s science department, he was responsible for production of their Nightbird clones. One day he was approached by the Decepticon Headmasters of another universe. who offered him use of their technology in exchange for his help in building them new transtectors. Realizing he could use this tech to conquer the Legends Universe for himself, Tarantulas accepted. Headmasters Chapter Prologue Once a partnership between the Decepticons and Tera-Kura had been formed, he used data stolen from the Autobot Headmasters to build a body for Skullcruncher as well as the drone Batora. Seeking to eliminate the Autobots, his rivals on the technology market, he and Weirdwolf then sent out Skullcruncher to lure out and destroy them, but the Headmaster was defeated. Bonus Edition Vol. 22 Tarantulass boss, Megatron. chewed them out over their violent approach, leading to a disgruntled Tarantulas building a body for Megatron that would turn him into the destructive Galvatron. In the end, Megatron resisted the body and taught them a lesson, though Tarantulas pointed out that as hed planned, Galvatrons destruction had increased Tera-Kuras sales. Bonus Edition Vol. 23 Not ones to give up, Tarantulas and Weirdwolf had Mindwipe hypnotize Megatron back into Galvatron only for Blurr to undo the spell. Bonus Edition Vol. 25 He was present at the office when Scourge attempted to take over Tera-Kura. Bonus Edition Vol. 26 When a group of mass-produced Headmasters from Autobot Axalon Trading Company started stealing Decepticon transtectors on the orders of Rewind. Tarantulas responded by activating the Galvatron bodys mask, briefly brainwashing the unfortunate Rattrap into being evil. Bonus Edition Vol. 28 Since his Megatron plan wasnt working out, Tarantulas chose to enter the Galvatron body and pilot it himself, using it to defeat Megatron and use his head mode as a soccer ball. Though he was defeated by Wheelie and Shta G. he was happy with the data hed gathered about controlling a transtector. Bonus Edition Vol. 29 He then finished a new transtector for Weirdwolf, shocking its owner by making it sentient (and revealing that Skullcrunchers had been so all along). Bonus Edition Vol. 30 Tarantulas was initially gleeful when Tera-Kura purchased Metroplex. but quickly grew unsatisfied and wanted control of both Metroplex and Autobot Axalons new base, Maximus. He had Weirdwolf infiltrate Maximus and take it for Tera-Kura by using the Master Sword. but the plan failed when Weirdwolf was unable to control the giant transtectors power. Using what hed learned from piloting Galvatron, Tarantulas took things into his own hands took direct control of Metroplex, using him to attack Maximus. The battle between Metroplex and Fortress Maximus ended with Fortress destroying Tarantulass control device, and the scientist was arrested for his actions. Bonus Edition Vol. 31 Ask Vector Prime To the best of Vector Prime s knowledge, Tarantulas and Sideways did not think of themselves as relatives. Ask Vector Prime, 20150515 Sideways claimed he showed up at the last second to help win the battle against Primal Prime but only referred to Ravage being there, not Tarantulas. Ask Sideways, 20150606 He also claimed to know the secret origins of Tarantulas and the Tripredacus Council. Ask Sideways, 20150628 IDW Generation 1 continuity Mesothulas was a non-affiliated scientist who covertly worked for Prowl during the early stages of the AutobotDecepticon war. Mesothulas saw their relationship as symbiotic - Prowls imagination would feed into Mesothulass desire to make the impossible real and vice versa. Their partnership resulted in many frightening advancements, such as stasis bullets. spark extraction. Decepti-bombs. and Aequitas itself. What he considered his greatest success, however, was the creation of artificial Transformer lifeOstaros. Prowl eventually began to have doubts about the ethics involved with Mesothulass inventions, especially after the scientist unveiled his latest creation: a prison dimension Mesothulas dubbed the Noisemaze . Sins of the Wreckers 3 Unable to let Mesothulas continue his increasingly depraved experiments, Prowl asked Impactor to dispose of Mesothulas and his creations by pushing the scientist into his own Noisemaze and destroying the entire contents of his workshop. The deed was done, although neither Prowl nor Impactor could bring themselves to put down Ostaros. Instead, Prowl falsified a new identity for him as the Autobot Springer . Sins of the Wreckers 3 Sins of the Wreckers 5 But then one day he went to that science lab That mutated spider came down Mesothulas was prepared for such an occurrence, though, having a personal jumpgate built into his body. Even still, the disorienting effects of the Noisemaze made it centuries before Mesothulas could remember and put it to use. Returning to his lab to find it empty, Mesothulas decided to follow where Shockwave trode and went to Earth. There, he found and refined a sample of Ultra-Energon into obtenteum. a super-fuel he used to power his future inventions. Inspired by the native wildlife, Mesothulas developed perfect bio-disguises which nearly completely masked a Cybertronians presence. One creature in particular, the spider, attracted Mesothulass attention. He modified his own body with Chimeracon technology to gain a tarantula form and renamed himself Tarantulas. Sins of the Wreckers 3 At some point after adopting his new alternate mode. Tarantulas kicked off the incident that would later be known as the Roadbuster affair - shrinking down to a tiny form, Tarantulas crawled into Roadbuster s ear and began whispering to the Autobot, convincing him to do terrible things to his recruits. Roadbuster assumed that he was hearing the voice of Mortilus and cheerfully started torturing and murdering his cadets on Mortiluss orders, while Tarantulas used the sparks Roadbuster unwittingly harvested to test the Chimeracon process. The Autobots found out just in time to save Hubcap. By that point Tarantulas had already fled the scene and everyone assumed that poor old Roadbuster had just gone round the bend. Sins of the Wreckers 4 Needing some real muscle on his side, Tarantulas became the patron of the anarchist group, Mayhem. supplying them with similar bio-disguises. Meanwhile, he turned his attention to building a laboratory complex, the Tor. within the Noisemaze. He also managed to turn Hubcap to his side, serving as a mole within the Autobot ranks whose Outlier skills let Tarantulas uncover Prowls secrets, including the data containing Aequitass proclamations. Sins of the Wreckers 3 Even though Tarantulas admitted having been the voice of Mortilus that drove Roadbuster mad, the terrified Hubcap went with it in the hope of justice and getting a stronger body for himself. Sins of the Wreckers 4 Oh, and now Meso crawls over everyones walls And hes swingin all over town With Prowl a wanted fugitive after his disastrous exploits on Caminus. nobody noticed when Mesothulas ordered Mayhem to abduct Prowl. The disgraced tactician found himself in the Noisemaze, greeted by Tarantulas. Sins of the Wreckers 1 Tarantulas suspended Prowl in his webs and presented Aequitas trial data, stolen from Verity Carlo. as collateral for an open conversation between the two. Sins of the Wreckers 2 With the greatest of anticipation, Tarantulas unveiled his new form to Prowl, who was horrified at his old collaborators metamorphosis. Prowl suspected Tarantulas intended to use the war crimes data from Aequitas to simply blackmail him, but Tarantulas had more complex desires. Honestly, Tarantulas merely wished to work with Prowl again, to recreate the symbiosis of their original possibly-more-than-professional relationship. When Prowl still refused, he was placed in the company of his would-be rescuers: Verity, Springer. Roadbuster. and Arcee. their most shameful, damning thoughts opened bare to him thanks to Tarantulass new invention, Impetus. Sins of the Wreckers 3 Tarantulas explained to Verity that her current sickly condition was a result of exposure to the Aequitas supercomputer back on Garrus-9. Tarantulas attempted to force Prowl into Impetus, only for Prowl to try and talk him out of it, offering to tell him about Ostaross true fate and lying that he had killed the artificial Transformer that day in the lab. Before Tarantluas could go through with his plan, Kup Impactor, and Guzzle crashed the Noisemaze with Debris. threatening to tear the pocket dimension apart. Tarantulas ordered his Chimeracons to counterattack and Hubcap to transmit the Aequitas data across the galaxy, only for Hubcap to turn on his employer and free his Autobot prisoners. Arcee, Springer, and Roadbuster ganged up on the spider-bot, but he proved too powerful. Roadbuster managed to temporarily dispatch him by transforming into vehicle mode and ramming Tarantulas, sending both of them flying out the window. Tarantulas survived the fall by shrinking and crawling inside Roadbusters head, just like old times. The itsy-bitsy spider blew up Roadbusters head. Tarantulas taunted his old victim one last time. then expanded back to his full size, blowing open Roadbusters head from the inside out. As the surviving Autobots regrouped at the Tor, intending to destroy the entire complex, Tarantulas arrived, promising that before the day was done he would do something weird to everyone. Sins of the Wreckers 4 Using mass displacement to enlarge his spider mode to massive size, Tarantulas used a retinal scanner to activate a final contingency plan: shrinking the Tor itself down to pocket size so that he can safely transport the facility out of the collapsing dimension. Tarantulas taunted Arcee, Verity, and Prowl, gloating that hed healed Veritys illness for no reason other than to one-up Prowl. The mad scientist continued to grow as he ranted about his need for revenge on Prowl, prompting Prowl to reveal to his old friend that Impactor was the one to blame for the destruction of his lab. Realizing this, Tarantulas demanded to know what had become of Ostaros, and seconds later made the connection between Springers voice and the fate of his creation. Thoughts of revenge momentarily forgotten, Tarantulas attempted to reunite with Ostaros, only to be halted by Arcee and Impactor. Arcee severed Tarantulass beast mode head, using it to trip the retinal scanner and halt the Tors contraction. Having survived the loss of his beast mode head, Tarantulas managed to find Springer, earning himself a punch in the face from the green Autobot. His words were garbled by the energies of the Noisemaze, preventing any kind of meaningful dialogue between creator and creation. The pair struggled with one another as Springer repeatedly stabbed Tarantulas, neither of them able to speak or hear each other. Seconds later, Impactor detonated the entire Noisemaze, destroying almost all of Tarantulass creations and perhaps the mad scientist with them. Back in Nome. Verity and Springer watched the northern lights, while a tiny spider spun a web in Springers wheel-well. Sins of the Wreckers 5 Beast Wars: Uprising Beast Wars Interested in getting hog-tied with spider-butt rope Running is the only no available. Tarantulas (Deluxe, 19961997) Japanese ID number: D-4 Accessories . Launcher, 4 spider-leg missiles Part of the first wave of Beast Wars product. Tarantulas transforms into an organic generic spider ( not a tarantula). His abdomen contains a spring-loaded missile launcher, which fires the anchor-missile kept in his spider-butt. This missile is attached by a string so he can hang from things like a real spider. The launcher can be removed and used as a robot mode weapon, using any of his front four spider-legs as missiles. Like all early Deluxe-and-up Beast Wars toys, he has two different robot mode heads a robotic face and a mutant face. He is almost always depicted using the mutant face. There is a variation of this toy in the Hasbro line: Later releases (the smooth bubble) lack the yellow paint on his elbows. The Takara release of Tarantulas was originally identical to the Hasbro release. Later, a slightly color-altered version was released, using a brighter shade of green and a slightly darker gray. The color-altered version also replaced the blue eyes on the robot head and the black eyes of the mutant head with gold. This mold was used to make the first Blackarachnia toy. More information on Tarantulas at TFU. info The classic battle of dino vs spider. Weve all heard the tale. Brutal Showdown: Dinobot VS Tarans (VS pack, 1997) Japanese ID number: VS-4 Accessories: Launcher, 4 spider-leg missiles In Japan, Tarans was available both as an individual and in a two-pack with Dinobot . Both toys in this set were identical to their individual releases. Currently, it is unknown if the latter more show-like redeco of Tarantulas was ever released in a VS set. Im-a spawn of-a Unicron I-a slice-a ya pizza Tarantulas (Deluxe Transmetal, 1998) Japanese ID number: D-44 Accessories . Sawblade weapon Part of the first assortment of Deluxe Transmetals. Tarantulas transforms into a robotic spider. He also has a third transport mode, flipping down a wheel from his abdomen and a saw-blade from under his beast-head, making a spidey-cycle. The saw detaches for robot mode to become a hand-held weapon. The Japanese version is slightly different, replacing the TARANTULAS tampograph with DESTRON and the Predacon sigil, plus his robot mode eyes are painted as a single visor to match the show look better. More information on Transmetal Tarantulas at TFU. info Its like Eight Legged Freaks, but classier, and with a pizza cutter. Tarantulas (Deluxe Fox Kids Transmetal, 1999) Accessories . Sawblade weapon A redeco of the Transmetal Tarantulas toy in grays, silver, and black. He and a Transmetal Cheetor redeco were part of the Fox Kids toys, so called for the advertisements for the Fox channel on the packaging (as the Beast Wars cartoon had moved there from syndication). Internal Hasbro documents have listed this toy as Steel Force Tarantulas, 2 a name that did not make it to final packaging. These colors were used to depict Tarantulas in the Primeval Dawn and Universe comics. This toy was also later repurposed as Tarantulass Shattered Glass counterpart. With the toys limited availability, secondary-market pricing for this item due to its fictional use has gone up. More information on Fox Kids Tarantulas at TFU. info MicroVerse Orcanoch (MicroVerse. 1997) A small, non-transforming micro-figure of Tarantulas came with the MicroVerse Orcanoch playset. It was presumably painted based on the original design, as its upper body is copper rather than purple. Its only articulation is at the waist, letting it sit in any of the MicroVerse mini-vehicles or playset stations. More information on MicroVerse Tarantulas (via Orchanoch) at TFU. info Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Hes not here to help assemble Transmutate. That legs his dinner. Predacon Tarantulus (Deluxe, 2006) Accessories: Launcher, 4 spider-leg missiles This toy is a slight redeco of the original Tarantulas toy, more closely resembling Tarantulass appearance in the cartoon (save the big Predacon faction sigil tampograph). Part of the second wave of Beast Wars 10th Anniversary product. he came with a DVD of the episode Spiders Game , plus the left leg to Trans-Mutate. This release of Tarantulus has misassembled forearmclaws, which can be easily swapped to the correct position due to the ball jointed elbows. More information on 10th Anniversary Tarantulas at TFU. info Everyones second-favorite purple-and-yellow motorcycle two-Mini-Con-having servant of Unicron. Tarantulas (2015) Tarantulas is a redeco of United Scrapheap. itself a retool of Transformers Wreck-Gar with a new head. He turns into a motorcycle. The toy is meant to represent his pre - Beast Wars appearance. The toy also comes with two Arachnoids that can be pegged into his left and right arms. When first revealed at BotCon 2014. the toys color was different from the final releases appearance. The toy was lighter colored (including the Arachnoids), his mouthplate was green, and his arms were entirely colored green, among many other differences. Transformers (2010) mold: Wreck-Gar Combiner Wars Insert Spider-tank related caption here Dawn of the Predacus (BotCon 2016 box set) Accessories . Claw weapon, Combiner FootHand A retool of Combiner Wars Rook. Predacon Tarantulas features a new spider-esque head. As a Combiner Wars Deluxe limb he is able to combine with any Voyager Class toys released as part of the same subline but is, of course, intended to be combined with Sea Clamp, Cicadacon, Ramhorn, and Ravage to create Predacus. Rather than 5mm hands, Tarantulas has forward-facing 5mm ports in front of his fists. This allows him to mount his claw-like accessory as an integrated weapon or use Combiner Wars combiner hands (one of which is included) as giant Hulk hands. He was available exclusively at BotCon 2016 in the Dawn of the Predacus box set with Ravage. General Ramhorn. General Cicadacon. and General Sea Clamp. Merchandise Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997) Tarantulas was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game. Robot Heroes Dont take your eyes off your mech fluid, Primal. Optimus Primal vs Predacon Tarantulas (2008) Part of the second wave of Universe Robot Heroes . this PVC figurine of Tarantulas original body has articulation in the shoulders and neck. He was available only in a Beast Wars Series two-pack with Optimus Primal (amusingly enough, the Maximal he also came with in the MicroVerse Orcanoch playset). More information on Robot Heroes Tarantulas at TFU. info Not terribly appealing. Tarantulas is referred to as simply Tarantula in the commercial advertising his toy. This commercial and also early promotional pictures showed the original Tarantulas toy as being transparent orange, but the final toy was a clear deep purple instead. Presumably, this was for a little visual variety in the early line, which already had a largely tan toy (Dinobot ) and a largely yellow toy (Cheetor ) in the Deluxe range, plus a Mega-sized Predacon arachnid then planned to be orange (Scorponok ), and Tigatron. who was at one point slated to be a traditional orange tiger. He tastes everything he holds. In the original control art for Tarantulas, the claws are shown in the same configuration as used in the show. In other words, the claws were somehow swapped during the assembly process and have remained as such on every version of the mold thereafter. The original Tarantulas toy has nine eyes in beast mode. as does the show model. This makes characters references to him as eight-eyes rather. interesting. Tarantulass toy bios paint him as a really dumb ninja-like stealth assassin. Both of his Tech Specs give him an intelligence of 4, even the numbers that accompany his Transmetals bio which mentions the cartoons quantum surge. In the first season, Tarantulas is characterized more as a cannibalistic, psychotic gourmand who happens to be the Predacons Science Officer than as the mad scientist and master plotter he becomes from Spiders Game onwards. This is to the extent that his official season one profile makes several mentions of his eating habits, describes his sole interest as being food, and summarizes his relationship with the other Predacons as simple disdain, as he considers them to all be potential meals. In the Japanese dub of Beast Wars . Tarantulas retained his trademark cackle, but it was a little different . His voice was very high-pitched and he shrieked almost constantly. His trademark laugh more closely resembled a wicked witch of sorts. Tarantulas is one of Reprolabelss best customers. Tarantulass origins are a bit complicated. He declares in Other Victories that he and the Tripredacus Council have origins other than Autobot and Decepticon, such that they would not be affected by the destruction of the Ark. Megatrons line about Unicrons spawn was apparently not intended by Bob Forward to be taken literally but as a generic Transformer insult Larry DiTillio has said Bob regrets the line and they never had any fixed idea of Tarantulas origin. Larry also said that had the show continued, the characters might be descended from the Cybertronians. 3 A Unicronian origin also creates potential canonical issues, as Tarantulas says that under our rule, Cybertron will conquer the universe (Other Victories ), whereas Unicrons goal would have been to eat Cybertron. But, much like Terrorsaur s line about the dark side , this line developed a life of its own. Eventually this connection was reasserted in 3H Productions Primeval Dawn storyline, initially written by. Bob Forward. On the other hand, Fun Publications A Common Foe depicted a Jhiaxus Cybertronian origin for Tarantulas and the Tripredacus Council but left the specifics a mystery. Tarantulass body in Theft of the Golden Disk is based on Cybertron Ransack. His body in Dawn of Futures Past , however, is a unique design not directly based on an existing toy, unlike the rest of the show characters in the story. Tarantulas is probably the only Predacon Minion of Unicron who avoided being labeled a Decepticon. From what can be observed from art on the back of Transmetal Tigatrons packaging, Tarantulass vok-enhanced abilities include levitating and firing energy beams from his eye(s) in robot mode. Neat Foreign names Japanese: Tarans ( Taransu ), Tarantulas ( Taranchurasu ) Italian: Metal Tarantulas (Transmetal toy) Korean: Tarantulas ( Talantyullaseu ) Mandarin: Chh-ch (Taiwan, , Spider), Hng Chh-ch (Taiwan second and third season, , Red Spider), Lng Zh (China, , Tarantula) Polish: Tarantulator Portuguese: Tarntulos (Brazil) References Tarantulas is a being without a history. In his rush to remove Jhiaxus clones from his laboratory before the Autobots discovered its location, Sky-Byte mistakenly extracted four stasis pods of unknown origin. The emergent robots immediately declared for the Predacon cause, some might say suspiciously quickly. Of the four robots, Tarantulas has since discovered an endless fascination with experimental science, especially seeking any opportunity for vivisection. groups. googledmsgalt. toys. transformersC30fV9dqOK0gPO8D3NPAUJ Larry DiTillios take on Tarantulas origins at alt. toys. transformers
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